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BBC-No other country has successfully landed on the moon since the Soviet Union’s Luna 24 spacecraft in 1976. Two attempts last year — one by an Israeli nonprofit and one by India’s space agency — ended in failure, with both crashing.


Thomas Zurbuchen—Congratulations to China on the successful landing of Chang’e 5. This is no easy task. When the samples collected on the Moon are returned to Earth, we hope everyone will benefit from being able to study this precious cargo that could advance the international science community.


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Otomar Lucio—Chang’e-5 ascender took off from moon carrying lunar surface samples. Though decades later than flights of the Soviet Union and the US, it’s still a remarkable progress for China, and an achievement for humanity. It’s been a long time since humankind did this last time.


It's a pretty stark contrast in national priorities that China has landed a mission on the Moon, while a flagship American radio telescope has collapsed from underfunding and deferred maintenance, all on the same day.


Vote for Warnock & Ossoff for Senate—The GOP's decades of pulling and limiting science (and social) funding for the benefit of tax cuts for the wealthy has been more than enough for China to start to surpass us in so many areas...Sigh.


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24 hours to liftoff of the Chang'e-5 ascent vehicle from Oceanus Procellarum. This is uncharted territory for China, and is a huge moment for the sample return mission.


Franois Lpx—La mission Chang’E-5 s’est posée avec succès sur la Lune: avec une efficacité admirable, la Chine poursuit sa conquête lunaire. Cette mission de retour d’échantillon ouvre la voie à l’un défis majeurs du XXIeme siècle, l’étude et l’utilisation des ressources spatiales.


China's Chang'e-5 lands on moon to retrieve samples.The mission will help promote China's science and technology development, and lay an important foundation for China's future manned lunar landing and deep space exploration.

