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not agree with sb 不合某人胃口

not agree with sb 是英语里的固定用法,前面的主语多为物,多指某种食物不合人的胃口,勉强吃下去还可能引起反胃。

It is not my cup of tea 不是我的菜

not my cup of tea 的原义是它不是我的茶,现在用来指代各种不喜欢的东西。

不合胃口的菜,自然是我们不爱吃的菜,所以这道菜不合我胃口也可以说成 It is not my cup of tea.

I love desserts , but these chocolate cakes do not agree with me.

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give sb an appetite 让人胃口大开

appetite [ptat]

n. 食欲;胃口

  • lose your appetite 食欲不振
  • cause loss of appetite 导致食欲不振
  • have a good appetite 胃口好
This cook is good at cooking,so athletes all have a good appetite.

胃口和 stomach 没关系, appetite 才是正确的翻译。

我现在胃口很好就是 I have a good appetite,他食欲不振就是 he lost his appetite.

  • spoil your appetite 破坏食欲;坏胃口
  • give someone an appetite 让某人胃口大开

很多孩子都喜欢饭前吃零食,其实这是个不好的饮食习惯,容易破坏食欲,破坏食欲要翻译为 spoil one's appetite.

破坏食欲的反义词是胃口大开,翻译成英文就是 give someone an appetite.

The long-distance running gave them an appetite.

have an iron stomach≠有个铁胃

have a cast-iron stomach

have an iron stomach


人都是肉体凡胎,没有铜筋铁骨,have an iron stomach 当然不是说这个人的胃是铁做的。

但要是老外对你说 you have an iron stomach,你可以偷着乐了,这意味着你的胃特别好,想吃什么都没问题,他这么说是羡慕你吃嘛嘛香。

有时候,人们也会说成 have a cast iron stomach.

My father has such an iron stomach that he always drinks cold beer after eating Sichuan hotpot.

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whet someone's appetite 勾起兴趣;吊胃口

to increase someone's interest in and wish for something, usually by giving them a small experience of it


whet 是刺激,所以 whet someone's appetite的中文意思就是吊胃口。

keep someone in suspense 吊胃口

Do not keep us in suspense 别吊我们胃口了


suspense 是悬念,keep someone in suspense 也就是吊胃口。别吊我们胃口了就是 do not keep us in suspense.

Do not keep us in suspense,we are running out of patience.