



US President and first lady, Donald and Melania Trump, hosted a Halloween celebration at the White House on Oct 25 for a group of invited children and their families.

The Trumps, maskless, watched as a parade of children dressed in costumes filed past the South Portico, where hundreds of pumpkins of varying sizes were displayed on the stairways under a "Halloween 2020" sign. Dry ice fog poured out into the lawn as members of the Marine Band, wearing dark uniforms performed the theme song from "Game of Thrones" and "Thriller" by Michael Jackson.



Guests older than 2 were required to wear face coverings and practice social distancing. The same went for all White House personnel working the event, while any staff giving out candy also wore gloves.


In years past, the president and first lady personally handed out candy to the costume-clad kids. This year, the treats were provided separately as participants walked along a path on the South Lawn.

The kids still briefly met the president and first lady, who waved and offered words of encouragement from a safe distance about how much they liked the costumes. Trump and the first lady have both recently recovered from COVID-19.







A miniature Donald and Melania Trump - him in a black suit with a red tie, her in a white dress, both in face masks - drew big smiles from the real Trumps, who posed for pics with them.

The two kids posed for several minutes before the girl pulled the boy away to keep moving down the line.

'He likes the press,' the president observed.

现场大部分来宾都戴了口罩,不过也有例外,比如,白宫新闻秘书凯莉·麦克纳尼(Kayleigh Mcenany) ↓↓↓


Although most visitors were wearing masks, Kayleigh McEnany, White House press secretary, was observed not wearing a face covering as she posed for a photo with the president and the first lady carrying her 11-month old daughter dressed as a mouse.

McEnany was infected with COVID-19 earlier in the month and had to temporarily work from home.