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那职场 口语 呢?口语,相较于书面用语,理应更casual,更简洁。这两者结合(职场+口语),我们又该如何把握?


总体而言,在词汇方面,职场口语会比日常口语高一个档次,也就是会适当多用一些“大词”。例如: (GE: General English BE: Business English)

-I got your email last night. (GE)
-I received your email last night. (BE)

-There are a few things on the agenda that I would like to talk about with you. (GE)
-There are a few items on the agenda that I would like to discuss with you. (BE)

-Mary has given me my travel plans. (GE)
-Mary has provided me with my itinerary. (BE)

这些“大词”平时要怎么积累呢?其实在学习通用英语时,已经有一定基础了,上面出现的receive, item, discuss, provide, itinerary你发现自己也已经全部掌握,只是可能没有意识到它们是get, things, talk about, give, travel plan的升级版。


Our job is to make sure that your shipment can get to you without delay. (to arrive)
Could you just stop it! The noise really gets to me. (to affect/ influence adversely)

Richard, shall we go through all the details one more time? (to examine)
I wish I had thought this through. I’m sorry. (to consider thoroughly)

Emma will be back at once, hang on for a second. (to wait)
…So fellows, it’s been a tough year and it’s a great achievement to hang on to what we already have. (to keep)

如何辨别这些“大小词”呢?这就取决于How much you’re exposed to these words了。我们平时可能没有机会真真正正地接触到那么多的正式商务场合,但是各式各样的商业英文电影提供了很好的资源无论是风起云涌的股票市场,还是平日可见的办公室文化,都可以在电影场景中找到依托,给人身临其境的感觉。