Write an email to all international experts in your university, inviting them to attend the graduation ceremony. In this email, you should include the time, place and other relevant information about the ceremony. 写作剖析① 介绍写作的目标,也即是约请外籍专家列入卒业仪式,② 见知收件人该举止举行的时间、地址以及其余关联消息,③ 对外籍专家的到来显露等候上头2018考研英语一写作真题,底下给出了一篇范文模板,能够熟读,本次疑问虽说是约请信,但要紧内容或是对于举止,举止范例的疑问在真题中极端多见,对于举止要紧即是写举止的时间、地址和举止内容,若再加上几句约请的客气话,就成了本次的疑问Dear ________,I am the president of Students' Union, and I am writing to invite you to the graduation ceremony. It is a moment of celebration for graduates and I wish to invite you to share this joyful moment with them. The ceremony will take place at __________ on _________ at _________ (time). This event is threefold, including opening speeches, the mid-day luncheons and diploma-awarding ceremony. The university president will preside over this co毫米encement and will deliver aspeech on _________. There will be a dinner later on the same day at _________ (time) in __________ hotel, and each expert will get a ticket of this evening party. If you have any inquiries or need additional information please contact me on __________. I look forward to your confirmation of this invitation. Your presence will crown this ceremony. I hope to see you on this big day.Yours Faithfully,__________除了上头的真题疑问,咱们连续延长一下约请信的借鉴,底下是个商务约请的邮件,能够当成一篇模板应用,很适用,在国外化公司内部会有效武之地Dear , I am glad to invite you to a business meeting to discuss matters of marke

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t expansion for our company. Thank you for your company’s cooperation in our business activities for three years. With reference to our telephone conservation yesterday, I wish to extend an invitation to the meeting that will take place in our office plaza Boardroom 5 2nd floor, on 15th December 2020 at 9 am. The main agenda of this meeting is to expand our business to Europe and North America and setting up regional offices in these areas. Additionally, we shall discuss the business proposal for the merger of our companies. It is a great pleasure to do business with you and your presence in this meeting is highly valued.Kindly find the attached agenda for the meeting and the business proposal for your consideration. If you have any matters that you wish to discuss, please include it in the current agenda and share a copy with us at the latest 10th December 2020. Please confirm your attendance soon.We look forward to taking our business corporation to a higher level.Best wishes,New Jacks 底下是在考研英语小作文中会用到的句子,统一个概念能够有差别的表白方法,以免由于模板变成相通水平过高的疑问,熟记范文、模板、句子只是备考的此中一步,并不是末了一步,把所蕴蓄堆积的常识加以操练稳定才是保证We take this opportunity to express our gratitude to you for participating in the event and making it a success.It gives us great pleasure to invite you to take part in the competition once again. We look forward to your active participation to make the event a memorable one.Eagerly looking forward to your participation.考研英语交换群点击阅读