
中美之间会不会有新的历史机遇,很难预测。我们甚至都不能预测本文是否是本公号的最后一篇文章,希望不会如此。但是世事难料,在9/20日后,如读者无法再阅读到本公号的更新,可以去网易搜索同名的网易号。海外的读者也可以下载Telegram , 然后在手机浏览器中打开链接“https://t.me/joinchat/MvXTABj7X6uQxRjnNxaHmg”,点击“ Join Group”加入“北美新药科普历史网”的读者群。









COOPER: Do you think that the comments by the Attorney General contribute to people, I mean, encourage people not to wear masks?

BIDEN: Sure, I mean, quite frankly, they're sick. Think about it. Did you ever, ever think any of you, you'd hear an Attorney General say that following the recommendations of the scientific community, to save your and other people's lives is equivalent to slavery. People being put in chains. You lost your freedom because you didn't act. The freedom to go to that ball game, the freedom of your kid to go to school, the freedom to see your mom or dad in the hospital. The freedom just to walk around your neighborhood because of failure to act responsibly. This is -- Anderson. I've been doing this a long time. I never ever, ever thought I would see such a thoroughly totally irresponsible administration. It's just -- it's just -- it's almost -- it's one of the reasons why if you take a look at the Pew Foundation poll, guess what? Russia, Putin, Chinese leader, are trusted by more of the people in the world than the President of the United States of America. And one of the reasons they cite is COVID. The way he has handled COVID. This is not only causing us life loss here. It is causing us to lose our influence in ways that are profound.


COOPER: Do you view China as an opponent? Because the President says you've been too cozy with China, too accepting of them in the international community.


(BIDEN: I'm not the guy. Look, China, we now have a larger trade deficit with China than we've ever had with China. And in our Administration, when the World Trade Organization, he keeps going on about, just ruled that his trade policy violated the World Trade Organization, we sued. We went to the World Trade Organization 16 times, 16 times)。


(COOPER: Do you view China as an opponent? )


(BIDEN: I view China as a competitor)


(COOPER: Competitor)


(BIDEN:A serious competitor. That's why, I think, we have to strengthen our relationships and our alliances in Asia. That's why we have to, in fact, make - I made it clear, as you may recall, that when I was in China, and chinese leader said to me that they're setting up an air identification zone, I said - I was with the National Security team, I said we're not going to pay attention. It's what he expect me to do, bring it down. I said, "We're just not going to pay attention. We're going to fly right through it. We're going to abide by international norms. That's what we're going to do and insist that they do."

点评:拜登此处的表态是非常不同寻常的。一般来说,美国对外国关系的定位有五个层次:1. 敌人( Adversary/Enemy)2. 对手(Opponent)3. 竞争者(Competitor)4. 合作者(Partner)5. 同盟(Ally)。



在上世纪90年代中期,中美关系一度处于蜜月期,当时克林顿的定位是层次4:战略合作者(Strategic Partner)。小布什上台后挥舞鹰派作风,把对华关系降格为“战略竞争者“(Strategic Competitor),让大洋两边的人在多年的中美热络后第一次真正感到一丝凉意,然后就有了2001中美南海撞机,王伟遇难的突发事件。


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拜登在医院宣誓就职(在29岁的时候,他当选联邦参议员,但是也经历了巨大的人生悲剧,妻女在车祸中丧生,照片中病床上是幸存的儿子Beau。2015,Bean 因为脑瘤去世,是拜登第二次经历人生悲剧)



(HARTMAN: Vice President Biden, Cheetah Chassis is located in Berwick, Pennsylvania, where we produce intermodal container chassis. We're a small family-owned business that is facing unfair trade container chassis imports from, we'll call, a massive state-owned entity in China.

The products are under - currently under Section 301, but the Chinese have found a way to undermine the relief of the tariff. So, as President, how would you address China's unfair trade policies)。





(BIDEN: I would make it clear, just so we did in our Administration, that when they use state - state-owned enterprises, which is what they're doing, state-owned enterprises, to undercut the price that they can charge, to be able to come and compete with American manufacturing, that they in fact would be denied that opportunity.

I would also make it clear that when you, in fact, it's got to be - if any of that is being purchased by any government agency, that it will not - we will not purchase anything that is not made in America, including - including the downriver line of what has to be done, all the parts.

You can't do what he's doing now. You can't do where he's given a tax break to companies that, in fact, go overseas, bring their - and then import the product back into the United States of America, even though their headquarters is here, the chain, though, you go overseas, and they bring it back in cheaper, than you being able to produce it.

And so, I'm going to make sure that it's made in America. I believe and I mean that. We all - we've been talking about this policy for a 100 years. We've never fully done it. We can and must do it now)。

点评:在谈到中美竞争,2年前,特朗普在对自己友好的FOX NEWS电视台不小心说了一句真心话:中国人的好日子过得太长了(They lived too well for too long!)。不愧是真小人,给人一种赤裸裸的感觉。






中美之间不会有新的历史机遇,很难预测。我们甚至都不能预测本文是否是本公号的最后一篇文章,希望不会如此。但是世事难料,在9/20日后,如读者无法再阅读到本公号的更新,可以去网易搜索同名的网易号。海外的读者也可以下载Telegram , 然后在手机浏览器中打开“https://t.me/joinchat/MvXTABj7X6uQxRjnNxaHmg”,点击“ Join Group”加入“北美新药科普历史网”的读者群。



