之前有过一期是关于“cat”的介绍,不知道小伙伴们有看过吗?今天又一个关于“cat”的短语可以整理在一起了!它是“cat fight”,英文释义为“a fight between women”,它的意思是“女生打架”。

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1.My sister just had a cat fight with her friend, they won’t talk with each other now.


2.They started a cat fight over the football player.


3.You look like a bunch of sissies after the cat fight .


fight tooth and nail

短语“fight tooth and nail”是“fight with teeth and nails”的缩略形式。它的意思是“竭尽全力,拼搏努力”,看几个例句吧!


1.When Susan took her case against the company to court, people in the office were afraid to testify on her behalf. But she went ahead anyhow, fought tooth and nail, and she won.


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2.There is another election coming on next fall, and he knows we are going to fight tooth and nail。


3.Americans may have to fight tooth and nail to election reform.


fight to the bitter end

“bitt”有“缆柱”的意思,“bitter end”是指“系在这柱子上的锚绳的尽头”。所以“to the bitter end”意指“没有多余的绳索,到达尽头”,而“fight to the bitter end”的意思就是“历经艰辛,奋战到最后关头,坚持不懈干到底”。


Win or lose, we will fight to the bitter end.


fight the good fight

“fight the good fight”是“为正义而战”的意思,其英文释义为“An evangelical call to believe in and spread the Christian faith”。


1.I am painfully aware of the disappointment of friends and many others who rely on me to fight the good fight.


2.People awaken from unbelief, children of believing parents are baptized, believers persistently fight the good fight, and God-filled churches minister to people who are hurting.


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