“不要丢了正业”用英语表达是 don't give up the day job,用于非正式的场合,表示:

1、a usually humorous way of telling someone not to pursue something full time as he or she is not good at it

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2、way of telling someone to continue doing what they are good at, rather than trying something new which they would probably fail at

3、a somewhat sarcastic but mostly good-natured comment for criticizing someone's lack of talent at something


1、I watched your performance at the theater today. My advice is not to give up your day job.

2、You want to try your hand at writing a novel? I've read your drafts and I advise you not to give up your day job.

解析:advice 与 mice 押韵,mice 是名词,所以可以把 advice 记住为名词,那么剩下的 advise 就是动词了。

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3、If I were you, I wouldn't give up the day job; you're never going to be a dancer.

解析:if 非真实性条件句,在这里表示对不可能发生或实现的事进行假设,属于 were 型虚拟式。

4、You are not a very talented actor, so don't give up the day job and pursue it as a hobby.

5、Don't give up your day job - you won't go anywhere with that kind of music.