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回忆残忍的美丽 ,对你的思念 ,只能用心痛代替。如果爱是命中注定的相遇,为何还会有这么多痛苦。

Memories of cruel beauty, missing you, can only be replaced by heartache. If love is destined to meet, why there will be so much pain.

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When you really want to forget a person, that person has been engraved in your heart. To this, you and I strangers, even if there are thousands of reluctant to give up, but also just like it.

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Sometimes sad, not need comfort, but need a person, silent company. Life is a lonely journey, I will know it from the cold and warm, and I will take care of myself better.


I want to start over with that person, but later, I'm used to being alone. Memories keep me in the sad past, so that I can't see the happiness now.

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Stepping forward can't finish the distance while going backwards can't get rid of the memory.


Precious things are very few in this world. That is the reason there is just one you.
