扎克伯格的华裔妻子, 自述成长经历: 运气不该是成功的重要因素!(视音频+中英全文)



经常有人把脸书(Facebook)创始人马克·扎克伯格的华裔妻子普莉希拉·陈(Priscilla Chan),跟默多克的前妻邓文迪或是嫁入英国皇室的凯特王妃相提并论。

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Priscilla Chan:

Harvard was so hard for me. I showed up and I just felt like a failure, I just felt like I didn't belong. My one skill set of being smart, I wasn't smart there any more. You know, I didn't fit in. All the kids were saying the right same things, stressing the same way, saying words I didn't understand. I was like, "Oh my gosh I don't belong here". I actually filled out my transfer paperwork to leave


Reporter:Even today, this great success story brings tears to your eyes.


Priscilla Chan:Oh it was so hard. And so I was ready to leave, but I was like, while I was still there, I thought I might as well do something with my time here. I decided to volunteer and I worked at a low-income housing project right next door to where I grew up. That's where I realised that just how lucky I was and that other kids weren't going to have those opportunities. And I needed to stay at Harvard and succeed so that I could be part of unlocking those doors for others.


Reporter:And you're working and volunteering in the low-income housing there, and you meet a child who changes your life forever. Who did you meet?


Priscilla Chan:I met a little girl, 10 years old, she and her brother were both in the after-school program. And she was one week missing from the after-school program. Her school councillor came to the after-school program looking for her. And I said, well, “I haven't seen her but I'll help you look”.


Priscilla Chan:And I just walked out to the playground in the housing project and I found her. I was kind of upset when I found her, but then when she started talking, I saw that her two front teeth were broken. And I was devastated. I thought, “what happened?” What did I do wrong? Like, did I miss something that led her to actually get hurt? And if not, how could I have done my part to prevent this?


Priscilla Chan:And just angry at the set of circumstances that let her to get hurt. I still remember that moment with anguish and anger and a desire to fight, so that other kids aren't like that or aren't in that situation. That compelled me to think, I gotta think bigger. I need more skills. I need more power to be able to solve this. And so, when you're 20 years old and a type-A Harvard student, the answer is medical school.


Priscilla Chan:We met at a party at Harvard in Pforzheimer's House where his friends were throwing him a party, because they were worried he might get kicked out of school. Our real first date was about a week later. And we had gone out to have hot chocolate. And the date was going well. And then he said, "I'm really enjoying this. Would you like to go watch a movie? I have a take-home midterm, but I'd rather do that instead." I was completely devastated.


Priscilla Chan:Because I was like, huge red flag, this guy's not doing his homework? He's not going to amount to anything. Clearly, I was so upset. And I thought, well, I should just go home. And I declined, because I told him to go do his homework. And he thought that she's not interested in me because she doesn't want to go watch a movie after getting a hot chocolate. And I thought ,well, I'm having fun. And even if he doesn't achieve very much, because he's slacking, I might as well enjoy this evening. And so I did say yes. And the rest is history.


Reporter:Is it true that he said at the frat party, we need to go out tomorrow because I think I'm getting kicked out of this school?


Priscilla Chan:He did say that.


Reporter:You work with your husband here.


Priscilla Chan:Max knows that I work at CZI and Dada works at a book store.


Reporter:Why does she think that?


Priscilla Chan:Because we've told her "Facebook". She thinks Facebook is a bookstore.


Reporter:How is that, to work with one's husband?


Priscilla Chan:Well, it's changed. But we're really in a place where we understand each other's ... what drives the other person, what the other person's strengths are, and where you need to give them constructive feedback. And it's really hard to do that as Mark's wife, but it's not hard to do that as Mark's partner in this work. And so we're very careful about when we're each other's family and when we're each other's partners.


Reporter:You call it a miracle that you're sitting here today. Why is it a miracle?


Priscilla Chan:My whole life, if you just stopped it on that first day that I got to Harvard, I would have lived the fullest version of the American dream. My grandparents were business people in Saigon. The war hit. They were persecuted. And the only way out was to put their children on boats and send them off to sea and hopefully they find opportunity on the other side.


Priscilla Chan:People opened up their doors to refugees in the '70s. And my family ended up in Quincy, Massachusetts. My parents worked as a waiter and as an accountant. And they didn't go to college. They didn't speak English. But they had one beacon. It was like, education was the pathway to a better future.


Priscilla Chan:They did what they could to make it happen and my teachers in the public schools took me the rest of the way. My teachers were like, "You're going to go to college. You need to go take the SATs." I told my mom. She's like, "I don't know what the SATs are, but do you need a ride?" And she gave me a ride. Before you know it, my teachers my family had put me on a path to showing up at Harvard Yard, first generation to college.

普莉希拉·陈:所以他们想尽办法送我们去读书,而学校里我的老师则帮助我完成了信条的后半句——给了我的未来一个方向。我的老师们说:“你一定要读大学,你应当去准备SATs高考。“我回去就跟妈妈说了,她说:“我不知道SATs是什么,但你需要我接送吗?” 于是她就每天送我上下学。不知不觉间,我的父母、老师已然帮助我踏上了通往哈佛的这条路,最终我成为了家里的第一代大学生。

Reporter:What was your early life like, Priscilla?


Priscilla Chan:I was always the caregiver. My first memory was when my mom was in the hospital having given birth to my sister. And I remember this feeling of obligation of wanting to take care of my grandparents who lived with me, and was taking care of me. I just remember pulling up a stool to wash the dishes because that what my mom did.


Reporter:How old are you at this time?


Priscilla Chan:Two and a half. My grandmother tells the story of me trying to do the dishes and take care of her and her really just laughing at me. But in so many years, I felt responsible for my family as the one who was born in this country and had so much more responsibility and opportunity.


Reporter:I know that your grandmother specifically had this profound impact on you. Can you tell me a bout her?


Priscilla Chan:My grandmother was a feminist before feminist was a word. She also just believed in what was possible for us. There were no limits to what was possible for each one of her grandkids. And so she always reminded us to try to walk in someone else's shoes for a moment, see what that's like, build that empathy.


Reporter:You have said over and over again, luck should not be a factor in if you succeed. For you, luck was a factor.


Priscilla Chan:It seems incredibly unjust and wasted opportunity in our country that people need to get lucky to have access to opportunities. And I'm where I am today because I got lucky enough to have teachers and mentors that guided me towards those windows of opportunity. But we need to build systems that don't require one to be lucky to be able to reach their full potential.




视频来自 CNN
