


"Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same"

- Emily Bronte



上面这句话出自艾米莉·勃朗特的小说《呼啸山庄》,曾被英媒评选英国文学中最浪漫的情话No. 1。

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前BBC主持人、英国小姐姐Kate Arnell教你地道英式恋爱短语,从羞涩的爱意表达,到霸道总裁式告白,接稳这一波英式浪漫暴击!


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Let me guess... You thought French was the most romantic language there was, right? Wrong! Turns out us Brits have got a language of love to call our own and much like Benedict Cumberbatch singing a One Direction song while stroking a kitten. It's pretty hard to resist.


Dating can be confusing at the best of times. When should I text? Is it OK to hold hands on the first date? At what point do you reveal the shrine you've made from strands of their hair that you've collected from the shower for the past eight years? The answer to that last one by the way is never. It didn't go down well. Sorry, Nigel.


But on top of all that usual stuff, Americans also have to get their heads around are often confusing dating terminology. Careful now, you might start to blush.


If you think someone is hot or good-looking, you can say that 'they are fit'. Whether or not they're actually in good physical shape doesn't really come into it. It simply boils down to finding them attractive. Elizabeth Bennet thought Mr. Darcy was proper fit, 'He's well buff!' she whispered to herself. 'Buff' is a word that has the same meaning as 'fit'. The American equivalent would be to call someone a 'hottie'.

如果你觉得对方貌美又性感,你可以说"they are fit"。至于他们是不是真的拥有绝美身材其实并不重要,这句话大意是夸赞对方看起来很迷人。伊丽莎白·贝内特觉得达西先生是个很有魅力的人,"他简直太迷人了,"她轻声对自己说。Buff这个词的意思与fit相同。换做美国人的话,就是用"hottie辣妹"来形容。

Another more recent phrase that's becoming more and more popular is 'bang tidy', which has been popularised by the British fictional comedy character Keith Lemon. And it's usually specific to hot females. Mr. Darcy glanced over Miss Bennet and exclaimed: 'She's banged tidy!' Yes, you couldn't deny that these two fancied the pants off each other.

另一个最近流行起来的词叫'bang tidy',出自一部英国科幻喜剧电影,被戏里的角色Keith Lemon带得超火,通常用来特指那些性感火辣的女孩们。达西先生的目光瞥过贝内特女士,内心一阵波澜:‘她是如此性感迷人’。没错,你无法否认这俩人已经深陷于彼此的魅力之中了。

Outside of the UK, 'fancy' is generally applied to swanky hotels, Fabergé eggs and Iggy Azalea songs. But over here, to fancy someone means to be attracted to them. During the 16th century, the word 'fantasy' started to take on the meaning of desire and was shortened to 'fancy'. So if you desired someone, you would say you fancied them.

在英国之外,"fancy"一般被用来形容那些奢华的酒店,或精致的费伯奇金蛋,又或者形容伊基·阿塞莉娅的歌。但在英国,"fancy某个人"是指被对方所吸引。16世纪时,"fantasy"一词便开始有了"渴望"的意思,后来被简化为'fancy'。所以说如果你渴望得到某人,你就可以说'you fancied them'。

So once you've established that someone is fit and you're pretty sure you fancy them, you'll probably want to try and 'snog' them, or as you say in America, 'make out with' them. Snogging is the best word, I'm going to say it again... Snogging! No one really knows where the word 'snog' came from, although most dictionaries say it came about in the 1950s. Much like 'making out', 'snogging' should only be used in a romantic context.

当你发现某人很有魅力,而你也很确定十分想得到他,甚至还想‘拥抱亲吻’他,那你就可以像美国人一样说,'想和他们来场亲密约会'。不过我还是觉得"snogging"这个词最最浪漫啦,我要再说一遍:Snogging!没人知道'snog'这个词究竟从何而来,虽然很多字典都说这个词起源于20世纪50年代,‘Snogging’跟‘making out'很像,但'snogging'只适用于浪漫的氛围下。

It is not the same as 'a peck on the cheek' and you certainly wouldn't go around snogging your relatives, unless that's something you're into. If you're a Harry Potter fan, then you may have noticed Ron and Harry using the word on several occasions when talking about kissing girls. Honestly, they grow up so fast. One minute they're innocently playing with their wands and the next, snogging! We also call it 'tonsil tennis' for obvious reasons.


Let's say you're out at a bar, pub or club with a specific goal of chatting someone up and well, we often call this 'being out on the pull' hoping to get lucky. To pull someone can generally mean anything from snogging to a bit of fooling around and is only really used when you're trying to seduce someone new, or who you're not already romantically involved with. So you wouldn't really say: 'I want to pull my boyfriend'. That just sounds weird, but you can snog him until your heart's content. Just go and do it behind the bike shed.

想象一下你正在酒吧狂欢,特别渴望能成功搭讪某个妹子或帅哥,这种情况我们通常叫做‘外出猎艳’。'To pull someone'这个词,可以形容任何从热吻到各种鬼混的行为,但要注意的是,这个词只能用于初次勾搭某个人,或是你和他/她还没有甜蜜到一定程度。所以你千万不能说:‘我勾搭了我的男友’,这听起来就太奇怪了。不过你可以狂吻他,吻到你爽!但你俩最好找个隐蔽的地方去打情骂俏。

'Copping off' is another broad term, which can mean anything from a simple snog to a bit of hanky-panky, you know, heavy petting. Basically the sort of thing they have posters telling you not to do at swimming pools. 'Copping off' is the UK equivalent of anything around 2nd and 3rd base. And its broad meaning can be a tad confusing when you want to get the gossip on how your friends date went, but equally it means you don't have to divulge too many details.

"Copping off"也是一个指代范围很广的词,从简单的拥吻到一系列"动作片",比如极具挑逗的前戏,差不多就是你去游泳时,泳池守则指出的那些不要轻易尝试某些小动作。在英式英语里,'Copping off'差不多介于二垒(抚摸)与三垒(前戏)之间。它宽泛的含义有时还挺容易把人绕晕的。比如,可以用于你打算八卦下朋友的约会进行到哪一步了,但用这个词也意味着你不必透露太多细节。

Now when two people love each other very much and they're passed the realms of copping off with each other, then there's only one thing left to do - 'shag'. For a seemingly reserved nation, the Brits have a lot of words for... how shall I put this, 'spending the night together'. Yeah, 'shagging', 'bonking' or 'getting your leg over', or what you Americans might call 'a home run'.


Also, let's say you found someone super fit and you wanted to go all the way with them you might describe them as being 'totally shaggable', or as Austin Powers put it 'You're very shagadelic, baby.' Except we don't really say that, like, ever.

另一种情况就是你发现某人特别有魅力,你想和她/他一"发"到底,那你就可以用‘非常值得炮一下'来形容他们。或者就像《王牌大贱谍》里那句台词那:‘宝贝儿,你性感到太值得炮了。’ 但其实我们英国人绝不会这么说,永远不会。



