超减压!澳洲硬汉爆笑解说:动物放松! (视音频+中英全文)

乐活英伦 乐活英伦 1周前



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G'day. Welcome to Animals Relaxing. Pour yourself a beer and let the stress in your life melt away. There's a bloody misconception about Australia that our native fauna is trying to kill everyone.


Not true! Look at this quokka! Happy, smashing a leaf, chill AF. Wombats can be grumpy bastards. Thankfully, this fella has learnt how to manage his anger.


He lays around and farts all day. That's not even a sound effect I've added, it's real! “Oh yeah. That's what I need. I feel so good... DID I SAY YOU COULD FUCKIN' STOP! Mmmm.


That's the spice. Sorry for me outburst, work has been rough as guts lately. KAREN STOP STOPPING!" This is it. The pinnacle of Head Scratch technology.


I present the iSrcatch. This kitty is making human affection redundant. Do not let this little guy's perfectly spherical and weirdly relaxing haircut fool you.


He is MORBIDLY depressed. “Yeah spike my hair, I want it nice and pointy at the top.Real pointy please. And can you also do a skin fade under the neck.

他其实非常抑郁,"对 把我的头发梳起来,头顶梳得尖尖的。越尖越好,谢谢啦!脖子下面能剪个渐变更好。

Yeah do a fade. I want it to look like Ronaldo, like he has that little cut in the top there, if you could do that please. Ah shit I'm falling.


Fuck. Fuck sake! This dog is like “who left the fuckin' mull-brownies on the patio last night?” “Oh this window tastes like balls.” “Who's a dirty dog?” “Ahh me?”

我艹,艹蛋!这条狗问:"昨晚谁TM把大麻布朗尼留在院子里的?""哦 这块玻璃窗舔起来像蛋蛋""谁是小脏狗啊?""呃 是我?"

“Yeah, that's right. You're a dirty nasty boy.”“I am. I am.” Seals are so relaxed they've evolved into living water beds. Squishy squish. Fuck yeah.

"对 没错,你这小脏狗真是太污了""我是 确实"海豹实在太放松,直接进化成了活体水床,又软又湿,随便挤压,太爽啦!

Jiggle its belly. You guys were right. I thought it was an insane idea to bring me, a real cow, to Burning Man, but I gotta tell you I haven't felt this good in years.


Can I hug you? I really wanna hug you. Whatever you gave me is making everyone huggable.” Real smacky. “Hello? Tim, is it? I'm Bruce, a fully qualified contractor.


The lads at the head office told me you were having problems with your big pumpy thing and... er, oh excuse me. I don... I don't think that's appropriate.

总部的人跟我说,你的大水管需要维修。我... 呃,哦,不好意思,我觉得... 我觉得这不合适吧!

Like I said, I'm a fully qualified... er, oh ho hoo! Oh my belly. That feels delightful.“…so yeah, then after art school I realised, there was no real work and... oh we're stopping?


That's it, that's it? Alright, well fine. Screw you. "Yaaay! You are putting me to sleep. I don't wanna go to sleep.” There isn't really a joke here.

就这样? 就完了?好吧,成吧。滚你妈的。"啊啊啊! 你都把我哄睡着了,我才不想睡呢"这段没有玩笑可开。

Sloth's are just fair dinkum' bloody adorable. Look at the little wanker. Somewhere Kristen Bell is breaking down in tears. Definitely. Right, well, that's my video on animals in various states of relaxation.

纯粹因为树懒实在太可爱。看这小傻货,克里斯汀·贝尔肯定又被可爱哭了。【小V特别喜欢树懒 曾经看视频看到哭出来】绝对的,好的,好嘞,以上就是我做的动物不同程度放松视频小合辑。

Let's end today on this alligator proving even the most Apex of Predators enjoys a head scratch. Secretly he's thinking “as soon as the camera stops I'm gonna rip this dickhead's head off.” Uhhhh!!!




视频来自 Ozzy Man Reviews


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