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英国国宝级脱口秀大师Michael McIntyre爱模仿各地方言,一不小心练就一身稀奇古怪的口音。

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OK, let's find out where we're all from, ladies and gentlemen. Erm, where are... Londoners? Applaud if you're a Londoner. Yeah? Very good. Northerners? Northerners? Yeah? Where are you from?


-Newcastle. -Newcastle? GEORDIE ACCENT: Alreet, that's nice! Well done in the football, it's going well, isn't it?

-纽卡斯尔 -哇纽卡斯尔啊![乔弟口音]哎哟,好滴hin啊!足球hin不错哟!好滴hin~


I'm sorry to do the accent. Everywhere I go, I try to speak in the accent, do you know what I mean? Irish, I'm not very good at this accent, but the Irish accent.....it seems quite jolly, doesn't it?


IRISH ACCENT: "Hello! How are you?" It's jolly. As long as you're smiling, you can do a pretty good Irish accent, but Northern Irish, these are right next door to them...


SOMBRE IRISH ACCENT: Suddenly, everything in the whole world seems incredibly depressing to me right now. How can your face be completely opposite to... JOLLY: ..that, I'm over here!


SOMBRE: "But I'm right next door to you and..." I don't understand how these accents can evolve like that. Some evolution of accents, I understand, like when you go west in England, when you head west, you will hit, like, Bristol and they've got this West Country...


BRISTOL ACCENT: ..like that, they'll start talking like that. "We're in Bristol now. We're a little bit busy, "so we speak basically with this accent, "but it's quite fast cos we're, like, a city, "we've got things to do.


"We've, like, got businesses and that, right? "We've got, like, a city centre." Then you go to Devon. You keep going west, you go to Devon and it's the same accent, but it's a bit slower now.


SLOW BRISTOL ACCENT: We don't have quite as much going on here as they do in the city of Bristol. We're in Devon now, so we're just good to speak in the same accent, but we'll just take our time with it because we've got more time, right?


By the time you get to Cornwall, it's just...Uuuuurrrrr! You get a sense of the evolution. The funnest accent for me is South African. SOUTH AFRICAN ACCENT: The Seth Efrican accent is quite a fun one to do, ya?


If you've got some time on your hends, you can do the Seth Efrican accent on your own, ya? As long as you make sure that every syllable that you say has nothing to do with the syllable that comes directly before the one you've just said.


You're pretty much doing a Seth Efrican accent. AUSTRALIAN ACCENT: Australia's quite fun, OK? You see a lot of Australians are living over here in London, they're pretty, you know, they talk quite fast as well.


They're pretty hyper, yeah? Cos they've come a long way, you know? They're going to make the most of it. It's like, you know, "It took me a day, I lost a day of my life to be here "so I'm going to make up for it now, OK?"


They find out where the decibel level is in the room...LOUDLY: ..and we're going to go slightly above that, OK?! That's how we're going to play it over here in London!


So when I went to Australia touring, I thought it was going to be full of people doing this, "Hello! Welcome to Australia!" but they're not like that at all.


The people who haven't left Australia are.. SLOW AUSTRALIAN: ..the most relaxed people I think I've ever come across. They literally have all the time in the world to finish sentences.


I mean, we're 13 hours ahead. You're never going to catch up anyway.




视频来自Michael McIntyre
