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冬季感冒在公众场合忍不住咳嗽,怎样做才算讲卫生懂礼貌?腐国礼仪专家William Hanson又来开堂讲课啦。

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Hello, I'm William Hanson, etiquette coach and arbiter of all things tasteful. I take huge delight in guiding people on perfect manners, social graces and frankly, making sure they don't come across as a bit common.


As winter draws in there's no doubt that cough season will be upon us, so the nice ladies and gentlemen at Benylin have asked me to put together my guide to cough-iquette.

随着冬季降临,毫无疑问,咳嗽季节也即将到来。因此 "平咳灵"的女士先生们邀请我整理出一份咳嗽礼仪指南。

It's important people are always well-mannered and never lose poise during social interactions. Being sick is no excuse. In polite society, we try to avoid coughing directly into our hands as it can coat them in nasty bacteria that can then be transferred to others.


Instead, we choose a white cotton handkerchief to cough into. Ideally, neatly ironed and monogrammed with one's initials. Coughs are little bit like wines, don't you think?


They come in a variety of strengths whether you are afflicted with a tiny tickle or a full-bodied chesty cough pre-warn those around you, so they're prepared should a croak or a coughing fit ensue.


You should always turn away from other people when coughing if having a coughing fit then move away far away...at least two rooms away.


And once you're in the East Wing, you may stop. Before returning from your coughing episode wash your hands thoroughly, if no handy nearby basin is available, hand sanitizer is your second best option.


Ensure you rub this in thoroughly. Like a surgeon would. It's not on to spread germs, imagine being blacklisted from the next candlelight supper. Just... doesn't bear thinking about.


Should you be entertaining at home and you start coughing noticeably, it is socially acceptable to excuse yourself, and take cough medication, such as Benylin cough syrup, then your reputation as the thoughtful host will remain pristine.


Just like good behavior and manners remember this, politeness prevails and good cough-iquette never goes out of style. Thank you.




视频来自William Hanson
