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加拿大最红心理学家,人称“龙虾教授”的Jordan Peterson告诉我们,交友其中很重要的一个准则就是:和希望你好的人做朋友。就是那些在你成功时能与你分享喜悦,失败时鼓励你,而不会落井下石的人。

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And the next rule is to make friends with people who want the best for you. That's a meditation on my own childhood and adolescense, to some degree.


I have friends who wanted the best for me and friends who didn't. You know they were friends who... Some of them were aiming up and some of them were aiming down.


If you have a friend that's aiming down and you do something that's aiming up then they are generally not that happy about it, you know they try to talk to your accomplishment with one of their own hypothetical or real or put down what you're doing.


Offer you a cigarette if you're trying to quit and you've kind of done that successfully or a drink if you've been drinking too much and are trying to stop being an alcoholic or other cynical and bitter and devoted towards no good.


Sometimes that's family member too. Sometimes it's even part of you. But this chapter is an injunction to people is like…like you have an ethical responsibility to take care of yourself.


You have an ethical responsibility to surround yourself with people who have the courage, faith and wisdom to wish you well when you've done something good, and to stop you when you're doing something destructive.


And if your friends aren't like that, then they are not your friends and maintaining your friendships with them might not even be in their interest.


So it's a tricky argument to make because I'm not saying whenever anyone is in trouble you should push them into a ditch and then give them a couple of kicks. That's not the idea.


The idea is that I had a couple of rules I didn't write about. One was— be careful. Be careful about whom you share a good news with, another was, be careful about whom

you share bad news with.


Everyone…Those rules ring in people's minds quite quickly. A friend is someone you can share good news with. You go to them and you say, “Look this good thing happened to me!” and they say:“Look, I'm so happy that that happened to you, like way to be.”


And they don't think: "God damn it, why did not happen to me", like you know, "you didn't deserve it, here's a bunch of reasons you're stupid and why it won't work". That's not helpful.


So I would say if people are…the other thing people are doing if they're trying to drag you down, let's say, they're trying to see if you'll put up with it.


Because they have this idea that maybe life isn't worth living in, things aren't good and that if they can besmirch…


Let's say to use an archaic term, something that's pristine in good, then they demonstrate to themselves that there is no true ideal and that there's no necessary reason to be responsible and to strive forward.


So they use you as a test case, just push you down into the low lobster bin and see how you respond, if you put up with it, then yeah, my cynicism is fully justified.


So that's chapter three, it's a painful chapter because it also details the suicide of one of my friends which occurred over a very long period of time, not the actual suicide but all the prodrome to it. So it's a contentious chapter…


视频来自 HowTo Academy