下议院首相质询(Prime Minister's Questions)是英国政治最有趣也最受瞩目的一面。

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正如迈克尔·道格斯在小说《纸牌屋》(House of Cards)中所描绘的:


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2015年,BBC纪录片《探秘英国下议院》(Exploring the House of Commons)揭秘下议院最激烈、最火爆的环节——"每周相声大会"英国下议院首相质询!





The highest profile event in the House of Commons each week is Prime Minister's Questions, often called PMQs. For half an hour in the House of Commons chamber, the Prime Minister answers questions from MPs on any subject.


It's meant to be an MP's best chance to hold the Prime Minister to account. But some think that PMQs has become little more than a platform for political slogans from both sides.


How effective is Prime Minister’s Questions as a form of scrutiny?


Every Wednesday, the Prime Minister sets off from Downing Street to his office in the Commons. He clutches his file, known as the Plastic Fantastic, with Post-it Notes marking subjects he thinks will come up.


Former Prime Minister David Cameron:There isn't a Wednesday that you don't feel total fear and trepidation about what is about to happen. Normally, I'm sitting here preparing for Prime Minister's Questions. About five minutes beforehand, you think, "Oh," you know, have I got to do this again?" And I think prime ministers have always felt that.

前首相戴维·卡梅伦:作为首相,不存在哪个周三 是不会感到心神不宁、恐惧不安的。平时我都是坐在这里备战首相质询。每次临开场前5分钟。我开始恐慌,"天呐,为啥我要再受一次煎熬?" 相信所有首相都深有同感。

House of Commons Officer:The Prime Minister will be entering very shortly and then we will be kicking off.


The big beasts of the Commons jungle arrive just before noon, hoping for the smell of blood.


House of Common Officer:Here comes a late member. Everything is done now, so all we are doing now is just waiting for it to start.


Mr Speaker:Questions to the Prime Minister!


Every week, the Leader of the Opposition gets to ask the Prime Minister six questions. This is the best-known aspect of PMQs and normally the rowdiest.


Former Leader of the Opposition Ed Miliband:Mr Speaker, can he tell us whether the number of people having to wait more than the guaranteed two months for cancer treatment has got better or worse?


Cameron:There are 7,000 more doctors... there are 4,000 more nurses... there's over 1,000 more midwives.

卡梅伦:我们已经多聘请了 7千名医生,多雇佣了 4千名护士,还有1千多名助产士。

Miliband:The NHS is getting worse on his watch and there's only one person to blame, and it's him.


Cameron:Honestly, if he can't do better than that even on the NHS, he really is in trouble.


As well as the Leader of the Opposition, backbenchers, who are more junior MPs from all parties, can also ask a question of their choice. But there is a great deal of competition among MPs to be called at Prime Minister's Question Time.

除了反对党领袖,后排议员通常为级别较低的各党派成员,也可向首相提出质询。不过 普通议员要想在首相质询环节提问,竞争是非常激烈的。

So Tracey Jessup, a Commons clerk, organises a selection system as nearly 300 backbenchersapply most weeks. To have a chance, MPs have to put in an application form. Tracey Jessup puts the names of all the MPs who have applied into a computerised ballot. The 15 MPs whose names come up are guaranteed to be called at the following week's PMQs.


Jessup:It literally is completely random. It doesn't know what party people are from, it's not seeking to achieve party balance.


For MPs who aren't lucky in the ballot, there's another way to ask a question. They can bob, meaning stand up to try and catch the Speaker's eye. The Speaker of the House who presides over the chamber, chooses who can ask a question. He will alternate bobbers with questions from the ballot. It might seem unruly in the chamber, but behind the scenes, the political parties are at work carefully seeking to orchestrate proceedings.


Labour MP Sarah Champion:Before each PMQ, if we either have a question or want to bob, we have a team strategy meeting because PMQs are different from any other questions because we try and have an orchestrated team approach to it. I mean, more than anything else, it's our only chance to hold the Prime Minister accountable. So if we all go off on different tangents, it's a bit chaotic, so I think it's more about making it... focused, strategic, sort of on target, giving him as much of a bashing as we can, basically.


The government side is just as organised. Every week, the Prime Minister David Cameron's parliamentary private secretary, Gavin Williamson MP, sends an e-mail to Tory backbenchers encouraging helpful questions.


Conservative MP Andrew Percy:Ahead of PMQs, we get an e-mail, it's just come through at 11.06, and these are some suggested topics that would be helpful... the Prime Minister would be happy to receive a question on. This is an e-mail from the Prime Minister's parliamentary private secretary suggesting questions from Conservative MPs.


Percy:So let's see what we've got today. Suggested free hits are... we've got "The OECD has joined the IMF in forecasting that the UK will have the fastest-growing economy in the developed world." So obviously the question will be "Does the Prime Minister agree this proves our long-term economic plan is working?" Question suggesting we talk about being pro-business, pro-jobs. So what they want is, "Does the Prime Minister agree with me that our long-term economic plan" - there's that phrase again - "is giving more people who want to work hard the security of a regular pay packet?"

珀西:来看看今天说了些啥。这里建议提出正面问题:"经合组织与国际货币基金组织共同做出预测,英国将成为发达国家中增速最快的经济体。" 于是质询问题就是:"请问首相是否赞同,这证实了我们政府的长期经济计划有效可行?" 建议我们提出关于支持商业、支持就业的问题,他们希望听到的是:"请问首相是否赞同我们的长期经济计划..." 这个词又出现了,"为更多努力工作的人获得稳定收入提供了保障?"

Some on the Tory benches follow the suggested script.


Conservative MP Stephen McPartland:Stevenage continues to lead the economic recovery and unemployment figures today show our long-term economic plan is working.


Cameron:Our honourable friend is right. In Stevenage, unemployment has fallen by 24% over the last year, which shows that our long-term economic plan is working.


Conservative MP Andrew Selous:Does the Prime Minister agree that the building of vital roads like the A5-M1 Link Dunstable Northern Bypass will create even more jobs and that continued infrastructure investment like this is a key part of our long-term economicplan?


Liberal Democrat MP Charles Kennedy:It's always so obvious when somebody has just been handed, you know, "Read this out," and it's pathetic. I mean, I just can't understand how anybody wants to get elected to a parliament... to any representative body, but least of all,to the House Of Commons and then just be handed out a couple of sentences written by somebody else and say, "Read this out". "Doesn't the Prime Minister agree he is doing a great job this week and he will do an even better one next week?" What is the point?

自民党议员查尔斯·肯尼迪:如果议员是照读别人给的稿子,是能明显看出来的。这真的很可悲。我真心不懂,一个经过民选而进入议会或其他任何代表机构的人,尤其是进入下议院的议员,在被要求"把这段读出来"的时候,竟会如此心甘情愿地照做无误。"首相难道不同意嘛?他这周做得也太棒了,下周他还会做得更棒!" 这有任何意义吗?!

Cameron:In politics, you've got to try and have a clear message and my team... There are some messages we want to get across. We want to explain we've got a long-term economic plan, we want to explain that we are on the side of people who work hard and if you are saying it's appalling that Tory MPs should possibly use any of these phrases, I would say, well, politics is about the team putting across a team message and so people shouldn't be too worried about that happening in Prime Minister's Questions.




视频来自 BBC
