必修二 Unit 6 The admirable
Topic Talk
admirable adj.令人钦佩的;极其出色的
admire vt.钦佩; 欣赏
remarkable adj.不寻常的;显著的;非凡的
career n.职业,事业
put out fires灭火
cure vt..治好(疾病);治愈n.疗法
fight for...努力争取,为……斗争
justice n.公平, 公正
generation n.一代(人)
reform n.改革;改进
mankind n.人类
intelligent adj.聪敏的;有智慧的
generous adj.无私的;慷慨的;大方的
have...in mind心里已有…
*evil n.邪恶之事;祸害adj.邪恶的
creatively adv.创造性地;有创造力地
mosquito n.蚊子
apart adj.&adv.分开;散开
apart from...除……之外
effective adj.有效的,产生预期效果的
female adj.女(性)的
stage n.舞台; 阶段
award vt.授予;给予
committee n.委员会
honour n.荣誉; vt感到荣幸
recognition n.表彰;赞扬
academy n.研究院; 学会
gain v.获得,赢得,取得;受益n.好处;利益
establish vt.建立,设立
chemical n.化学品; adj.化学的
herb n.药草
literature n.文献资料;著述;文学
recipe n.处方;秘诀
limited adj.有限的
resource n.物力;资源
staff n.全体职员,员工
eventually adv.最终;终于
come across偶遇
promising adj.大有希望的
*fame n.名声,名誉
*renowned adj.著名的,有名望的
dc spite prep.尽管;虽然
wisdom n.知识,学问;智慧
potential n.潜力;可能性
advance n.发展;进步
integrate vi.&vt.t.(使)结合;(使)成为一体
Lesson 2
*Mahatma n.圣雄(印度对圣贤的称呼)
pick out挑选
independence n.独立
peaceful adj.和平的,没有暴力的
protest n.&vi.&vt.t.抗议;反对
racial adj.种族的;人种的
discrimination n.歧视
inspiring adj.鼓舞人心的
bar n.铁栅; (门、窗等的闩)
behind bars在牢里
skin n.皮肤
What a shame! 真遗憾!
further adj.更多的,进一步
march n.示威游行,抗议游行
self-evident adj.不证自明的; 显显而易见的
judge vt.评价;判断
impressive adj.令人钦佩的,给人印象深刻的
respect v.&n.尊敬; 敬佩
independent adj.独立的,自主的
the other day不久前某一天
Lesson 3
*horror n.令人惊恐的事
regard vt.认为, 看作
be regarded as被认为,被看作
novelist n.小说家
journalist n.新闻工作者
passion n.强烈的爱好,热爱;激情
opportunity n.机会;时机
reputation n.名誉;名望
awareness n.认识;意识
organization n.组织;团体;机构
strike vi.&vt.突然发生(某种不幸);突然有坏的影响;打,击
severe adj.很严重的
movement n.运动,动作,活动
*nightmare n.噩梦,梦魇
depression n.忧郁,沮丧,消沉;抑郁症
due to由于,因为
ongoing adj.继续进行的,不断发展的
commitment n.投入,忠诚,奉献;承诺
*undertake v.着手做,承担
intense adj.强烈的,剧烈的
engage vi.参加, 参与
design vt.计划, 设计
*biography n.传记
passionate adj.具有强烈信念的; 热爱的, 酷爱的
energetic adj.精力充沛的, 充满活力的
advocate n.提倡者;拥护者;鼓吹者
disability n.伤残,残障,障碍
attitude n.看法,态度
Writing Workshop
summary n.概要;摘要;总结
Reading Club 1
daring adj.勇敢的
Reading Club 2
originally adv.原先,最初
in spite of尽管…(仍…);虽然;不顾
1.career n. 职业,事业
2.justice n. 公平,公正
3.generation n. 一代(人)
4.reform n. 改革;改进
5.mankind n. 人类
6.generous adj. 无私的;慷慨的;大方的
7.female adj. 女(性)的
8.committee n. 委员会
9.literature n. 文献资料;著述;文学
10.recipe n. 处方;秘诀
11.eventually adv. 最终;终于
12.promising adj. 大有希望的
13.renowned adj. 著名的,有名望的
1.remarkable adj. 不寻常的;显著的;非凡的
2.cure vt. 治好(疾病);治愈 n. 疗法
3.creatively adv. 创造性地;有创造力地
4.apart adj.& adv. 分开;散开
5.stage n. 舞台;阶段
6.award vt. 授予;给予
7.honour n. 荣誉 vt. 感到荣幸
8.gain v. 获得,赢得,取得;受益
n. 好处;利益
9.establish vt. 建立,设立
10.limited adj. 有限的
11.resource n. 物力;资源
12.fame n. 名声,名誉
13.despite prep. 尽管;虽然
14.protest n.&vi.&vt. 抗议;反对
15.judge vt. 评价;判断
Topic Talk
209.admirable adj.
210.admire vt.
211.remarkable adj.
212.career n.
213.put out fires
214.cure v.
215.fight for
216.justice n.
217.generation n.
218.reform n.
219.mankind n.
220.intelligent adj.
221.generous adj.
222.have…in mind
223.*evil n.
224.creatively adv.
Topic Talk(拓展)
270.appreciate v.
271.appreciation n.
272.remark v./n.
273.comment v./n.
274.occupation n.
275.occupy v.
276.profession n.
277.vocation n.
278.vacation n.
279.put out
280.treatment n.
281.fireman n.
282.firefighter n.
283.fight against
284.fair adj.
285.unfair adj.
286.generate v.
287.generate power
288.Guangzhou Trade Fair
289.intelligence n.
290.artificial intelligence
291.general n.
292.wicked adj.
293.creative adj.
294.create v.
295.creat n.
Lesson 1
225.mosquito n.
226.apart adj.
227.apart from
228.drug n.
229.effective adj.
230.female adj.
231.stage n.
232.award v.
233.committee n.
234.honour n.
235.recognition n.
236.academy n.
237.gain v.
238.establish vt.
239.chemical n.
240.herb n.
241.literature n.
242.recipe n.
243.limited adj.
244.resource n.
245.staff n.
246.eventually adv.
247.come across
248.promising adj.
249.*fame n.
250.*renowned adj.
251.despite prep.
252.wisdom n.
253.potential n.
264.advance n.
265.integrate v.
Lesson 1(拓展)
296.fly n.
297.flea n.
298.dragonfly n.
299.butterfly n.
300.scatter v.
301.separate v.
302.gather v.
303.pill n.
304.capsule n.
305.tablet n.
306.Traditional Chinese medicine
307.affect v.
308.effect n.
309.affection n.
310.gender n.
311.male n.
312.phase n.
313.phrase n.
314.reward n./v.
315.honorable adj.
316.academic performance
317.found v.
318.set up
319.herbal adj.
320.recipe n.
321.limited company
322.cuisine n.
323.cuisine culture
324.unemployment n.
325.promise n./v.
326.famous adj.
327.well-known adj.
328.at last
329.hopeful adj.
330.reputation n.
331.celebrity n.
332.possibility n.
333.advanced adj.
334.complete adj.
335.integrate with
336.combine with
Lesson 2
266.*mahatma n.
267.pick out
268.independence n.
269.peaceful adj.
270.protest n.& v.
271.racial adj.
272.discrimination n.
273.inspiring adj.
274.bar n.
275.behind bars
276.skin n.
277.What a shame!
278.further adj.
279.march n.
280.self-evident adj.
281.judge v.
282.impressive adj.
283.respect v.& n.
284.independent adj.
285.the other day
Lesson 2(拓展)
337.choice adj.
338.peace n.
339.depend on
340.independent adj.
341.protest against
342.exclaim at
343.declare v.
344.resist v.
345.race n.
346.protester n.
347.discriminate v.
348.inspire v.
349.inspiration n.
350.bar n.
351.a bar of
352.peel v.
353.What a shame!
354.march v.
355.evidence n.
356.obviously adv.
357.apparently adv.
358.impress v.
359.disrespect v.
360.respectful adj.
Lesson 3
286.*horror n.
287.regard v.
288.be regarded as
289.novelist n.
290.journalist n.
291.passion n.
292.opportunity n.
293.reputation n.
294.awareness n.
295.organisation n.
296.strike v.
297.severe adj.
298.movement n.
299.*nightmare n.
300.depression n.
301.due to
302.ongoing adj.
303.commitment n.
304.*undertake v.
305.intense adj.
306.engage vi.
307.design v.
308.*biography n.
309.passionate adj.
310.energetic/ adj.
311.advocate n.
312.disability n.
313.attitude n.
Lesson 3(拓展)
361.horrible adj.
362.reckon v.
363.be considered as
364.novel adj.
365.journal n.
366.daily n.
367.diary n.
368.dairy n.
369.passionate adj.
370.chance n.
371.fame n.
372.celebrity n.
373.famous adj.
374.aware v.
375.striker n.
376.serious adj.
377.campaign n.
378.battle v./n.
379.dream n./v.
380.depress v.
381.committee n.
382.commit v.
383.extensive adj.
384.intensive adj.
385.engagement n.
385.engage in
386.energy n.
387.static adj.
388.dynamic adj.
389.energetically adv.
390.ability n.
391.disable adj.
392.latitude n.
393.longitude n.
394.altitude n.
Writing Workshop
314.summary n.
Writing Workshop(拓展)
395.summarize v.
396.abstract n.
397.specific adj.
398.digest n.
399.digestion n.
400.Reader's Digest
Reading Club 1
315.daring adj.
Reading Club 1(拓展)
401.dare v.
402.bravery n.
403.brave adj.
Reading club 2
316.originally adv.
317.in spite of
Reading Club 2(拓展)
404.original adj.
Unit6 The Admirable
Topic Talk
___________vt.钦佩; 欣赏
___________n.公平, 公正
*_________ __n.邪恶之事;祸害adj.邪恶的
___________n.舞台; 阶段
___________n.荣誉; vt感到荣幸
___________n.研究院; 学会
___________n.化学品; adj.化学的
*_________ __n.名声,名誉
*_________ __adj.著名的,有名望的
Lesson 2
*_________ __n.圣雄(印度对圣贤的称呼)
___________n.铁栅; (门、窗等的闩)
___________! 真遗憾!
_________ __adj.不证自明的; 显显而易见的
___________v.&n.尊敬; 敬佩
Lesson 3
*_________ __n.令人惊恐的事
___________vt.认为, 看作
*_________ __n.噩梦,梦魇
*_________ __v.着手做,承担
___________vi.参加, 参与
___________vt.计划, 设计
*_________ __n.传记
___________adj.具有强烈信念的; 热爱的, 酷爱的
___________adj.精力充沛的, 充满活力的
Writing Workshop
Reading Club 1
Reading Club 2
___________尽管… (仍…);虽然;不顾