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Milk is one of the most commonly purchased groceries, yet it’s located farthest from the front. Why?奶制品是人们最常购买的食品,然而奶制品摆放的位置却离入口处最远。这是为什么呢?

Most of the grocery stores we frequent have intentionally designed their layouts to serve a purpose: to entice consumers to spend, spend, spend. Everything from lighting to scent and product placement affects how we spend our money. 我们光顾的大多数超市都会精心设计商品的陈列和布局,目的就是让顾客买买买。从灯光到气味再到产品的摆放,所有的一切都会影响我们如何花钱。

For instance, stocking sugary sweets at kids’ eye level, staging irresistible baked goods near the entrance, and putting meats and dairy products at the back are all intentional strategies. Folks end up lugging their gallon past dozens of eye-catching products before making it to the counter, and usually, an eye-catcher (or two) ends up in their basket as a result.举例而言,在孩子视线高度摆放甜食,把难以抗拒的烘焙食品陈列在入口附近,将肉类和奶制品放在超市最里头,这些全都是有意为之的策略。人们要推着购物车里的奶制品经过数十种吸引眼球的产品,最后才能到达收银台,在途中往往都会忍不住再拿起一两件商品放入购物车中。

While clever marketing techniques are undoubtedly used, some argue that the reasons aren’t always so deceptive. Michael Pollan, author of The Omnivore's Dilemma, suggested in a 2014 interview with NPR that it speaks more to logistics and efficiency than overt manipulation.


Pollan thinks the cold chain has a lot to do with supermarket layout, too. The cold chain refers to the process of maintaining refrigeration for foods such as meat and dairy at every stage of transportation. As delivery trucks generally unload at the back of a building, having the store’s refrigeration units near that area would make sense.波兰认为,冷链运输和超市布局关系也很大。冷链指的是在运输的每个阶段让肉类和奶制品等食品保持冷冻的过程。由于送货卡车通常都在大楼的背面卸货,超市在该区域附近放置制冷设备是比较合理的。

Nevertheless, being aware of the temptations on the way can help you curb all that impulse buying and overspending at the register.不过,在前往收银台的途中意识到这些诱惑可以有助于你克制各种购物冲动,避免花费过多。

英文来源:Mental Floss


