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Education is about letting every child shine in their own way.

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A person's belief in miracles is always the primary prerequisite for a miracle or a wonderful thing to occur.

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Life is supposed to be hard, complex, full of mistakes, and full of strange things. If others want to laugh, let them laugh. This shows that our life is more exciting than theirs.

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It's interesting that sometimes you keep worrying about things, but it's not a big deal.

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There are countless scenes in the world, with joys and sorrows, ups and downs. Apart from self crossing, no one else can help.

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No matter how the world changes or society becomes chaotic, integrity is always the most precious, kindness never expires.

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Don't wait until everything is ready before starting. Do it first, complete it first, and then perfect it. Practical experience is the best teacher.

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The smarter and kinder a person is, the more virtues they see in others; The more foolish and vicious a person is, the more flaws they see in others.

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Wave your hand in June, embrace July; Let go of negative burdens and overlook gains and losses; Contentment brings joy, and laughter brings joy to life.