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2024 marks the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France, as well as the year of cultural tourism between China and France. It coincides with the return to Paris, the starting point of the modern Olympic movement, 100 years after the Olympic Games. Both China and France have brilliant civilizations, two shining pearls that often complement each other in the long river of human history. The Chinese Art Exhibition "From Beijing to Paris - Olympic Tour of Chinese and French Artists" serves as a bridge for artistic appreciation, cultural exchange between China and France, cultural exchange, and spiritual exchange, spreading the cultural and spiritual connotations of the Olympic movement to the world. Chinese artists will engage in heart to heart dialogue with the world through their works, allowing the world to see a thriving, confident, and open China.

On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France, the central media, in collaboration with numerous mainstream media, reports and broadcasts from all angles on the platform, allowing Chinese artists and art enthusiasts to better inherit and showcase China's vast and profound brilliant culture.

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1988年第一次参加牡丹江市铁路文化宫一个暑假素描启蒙班学习1个月的基础素描 老师张应力

1989年第二次参加牡丹江人民公园里的一个暑假色彩启蒙班学习1个月的基础色彩 老师李忠信而后1991年-1992年插班进入牡丹江市艺术职业高中的美术班进一步的学习素描 色彩 速写等美术基础课程 老师朱艳茹而后因诸多原因 选择中途退学为了实现心中的绘画梦开始自学油画而大量临摹各种艺术大师的作品成为了必修课




与此同时从2014年——2024年开始默默的耕耘 潜心创作如今终获硕果累累数十年的自学油画和创作的人生历程







所有的作品全部售空 并受到了业界广泛的好评




迫不及待的开始新一阶段的潜心创作 努力耕耘


漱早餐后就开始拼命的创作 每天必须保证18小时左右的工作量每天睡眠约4小时一开始 很难熬 后来时间长了就习惯了 毕竟是农村孩子出身 这点苦 不算什么出来打天下什么苦都能吃 什么罪都能遭无所谓一生都愿以殉道者的精神践行艺术梦绘画本身就是一场修行不经历九九八十一难怎能取得真经

2012年参加清华大学 中国发展与创新高峰论坛艺术家作品展 获得“金奖”

同年 又被中国法律援助基金会兹聘为艺术家委员会委员

2014年历时1年创作人生第一幅巨作6米X 4米西藏写实风格的油画《天边》从此开启了大型写实油画的探索之旅




个人独立创作了中国画坛第一巨幅西藏写实风格油画作品20米X2米的 《西藏西藏》




2018年拜访人生榜样——华人之光李自健美术馆馆长著名旅美画家李自健 并有幸得到他对西藏系列画作的高度赞扬和认可及鼓励








日夜奋战每天平均3小时睡眠随着疫情在武汉 在全国在世界各国的不断显露暴发中途6次修改画稿力求能全球性的宏观的完整展现



Jiang Zhongliang

Member of Mudanjiang Artists Association, Member of Beijing Oil Painters Association, Member of China Legal Aid Foundation Artists Committee

Born in 1973 in Liangzihe Reservoir, Banyuan Village, Wuxing Township, Linkou County, Mudanjiang City, Heilongjiang Province

I have been obsessed with painting since childhood

Aspiring to become a painter in this life

The initial enlightenment came from the influence of my father's amateur painting skills during his free time on the farm

Zhang Yingli, a basic sketching teacher who participated in a summer sketching enlightenment class at the Railway Culture Palace in Mudanjiang City for the first time in 1988 and studied for one month

In 1989, Li Zhongxin, a basic color teacher who participated in a summer color enlightenment class for the second time in Mudanjiang People's Park for one month, was later transferred to the art class of Mudanjiang Art Vocational High School from 1991 to 1992 to further study basic art courses such as sketching, color, and sketching. Due to various reasons, Zhu Yanru, an experienced teacher, dropped out of school midway and began self-learning oil painting in order to realize her dream of painting. She extensively copied the works of various art masters and became a compulsory course

The greatest comfort and motivation for progress is the great painting dream in my heart

Still as firm as a rock

In 2013, Jiang Zhongliang Art Museum was established in Songzhuang Painter Village, Beijing

At the same time, from 2014 to 2024, I have been silently cultivating and dedicating myself to creating. Now, I have achieved fruitful results in my decades long journey of self-learning oil painting and creation

Enduring the storms and trials

It can be said that sharpening a sword in 30 years

Known by netizens as

Raphael in China

In 2012, my first solo art exhibition was held in Beijing at 798

And achieved great success

All works have been sold out and received widespread praise from the industry

And he was fortunate enough to receive high recognition and encouragement from the guests of the art exhibition, Mr. Wen Huaisha, a master of traditional Chinese studies, Mr. Pang Zhonghua, a renowned Chinese calligrapher with hard brushstrokes, and other colleagues and collectors in the painting industry

From then on, I have become even stronger in my strong belief in bravely walking down the path of art

After the exhibition ends

Unable to wait to start a new stage of dedicated creative efforts and cultivation

Since 2013, he has entered Xizang alone for several times to collect folk songs

After washing breakfast, I started working hard to create. I had to ensure about 18 hours of work and sleep for about 4 hours every day. At first, it was difficult to endure, but over time, I got used to it. After all, being a rural child, this hardship is not insignificant. After all, I can fight the world, endure any hardship, suffer any sin, and be meaningless. Throughout my life, I am willing to practice my artistic dreams with the spirit of a martyr. Painting itself is a practice, and how can I obtain the true scriptures without experiencing ninety-nine or eighty-one difficulties

In 2012, participated in the Tsinghua University China Development and Innovation Summit Forum Artists Exhibition and won the "Gold Award"

In the same year, he was appointed as a member of the Artists Committee by the China Legal Aid Foundation

In 2014, he created the first masterpiece of his life in one year, the 6m x 4m Xizang realistic style oil painting Horizon, which started the exploration of large-scale realistic oil painting

This painting was collected by an overseas collector for 1.6 million yuan in 2014


Lasting for 2 years

He independently created the first large Xizang realistic style oil painting in Chinese painting world, "Xizang Xizang", 20 meters x 2 meters

Created a new record in personal painting


Personal independent creation lasting for 3 years 6

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