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来自美国的他 在杨浦学武术!

姓名 Elijah

中文名 洛小龙

国籍 美国

职业 上海体育大学武术专业大二学生


He was deeply attracted by the charm of Chinese martial arts when he was 12, so he embarked on the road of "martial arts" to pursue his dream, and became a martial arts athlete in Shanghai University of Sport...... Elijah (Chinese name Luo Xiaolong) from the United States, a sophomore martial arts major in Shanghai University of Sport. Let's watch his day learning martial arts in Yangpu!


When Elijah was a kid, the works of some martial arts masters attracted him. Jackie Chan, Jet Li, Donnie Yen and Bruce Lee......their names were familiar to him. When he grew up, he started training in martial arts. And many people associate the Chinese name "Luo Xiaolong" with "Bruce Lee".

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Training hard at school is a "daily routine" for Elijah. Firstly, he usually does warm-up exercises and some basic movements to follow the teacher, and then sword training, Taiji practice...... He was so excited to learn new martial arts moves in the class. Sometimes he plays shuttlecock with his classmates during the warm-up. Besides martial arts, he also enjoys many cultural activities in China. On this day, Elijah participated in dragon boat training and learnt how to pour tea at school.

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"I feel learning martial arts is not only the completion of learning my technique and Kung fu,but also have to pay attention to the spiritual and cultural aspects of it as well."Elijah has his own deep understanding of martial arts. He will take us to the Martial Arts Museum in Shanghai University of Sport, where we'll discover different styles of martial arts and explore a wide range of weapons and equipment through Chinese history.

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文字:吴百欣 周梦真 李玲 葛晓玲

视频:孙培杰 姜玥秀




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