弘中华传统文化,承华夏文明精神。共同胞遨游经典,品文化艺术之美。甲辰年四月初九(2024年5月17日),主题为“经典的魅力——文以载道 兼能化人”讲座举办。主讲人为中国艺术研究院之刘波先生。

Promoting Traditional Chinese Culture and Upholding the Spirit of Chinese Civilization. Together, we explore the classics and appreciate the beauty of cultural art. On the ninth day of the fourth lunar month in the Year of Jiachen (May 17, 2024), a lecture themed "The Charm of Classics: Literature as a Carrier of Morality and a Tool for Human Cultivation" will be held. The speaker will be Mr. Liu Bo from the Chinese Academy of Arts.

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Liu Bo, styled Hesheng, graduated from Nankai University with a Ph.D. in art history under the tutelage of Professor Fan Zeng and is currently serving at the Chinese Academy of Arts.Liu Gong, taking the comparison of Eastern and Western artistic thinking and aesthetics as a starting point, discussed in detail various aspects such as sculpture, painting, and poetry, analyzing the differences and similarities between Chinese and Western art. Although people are naturally endowed with aesthetic sensitivity, due to regional cultural differences, their perspectives, cognition, and objects of appreciation vary.

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The greatest characteristic of the Chinese artistic language is its richness in expressiveness and poetic quality, especially evident in poetry and painting. Liu said that Chinese cultural art is an externalization of the artist's inner richness, whether abstract or dynamic, always inspired by objects, reaching the vast universe, and connecting the spiritual energy with the cosmos. Due to this "unity of man and nature" in spiritual culture, Chinese painting has the creative momentum and aesthetic realm of Zhang Sengyou's "with a few strokes, the image emerges," and Su Dongpo's "when the brushwork flows like a storm, even before the brush touches the paper, the spirit is already conveyed."

Chinese painting, known worldwide for its unique expressive spirit, captures the essence rather than merely imitating natural forms. This expressiveness is evident in techniques and the artist's deep understanding of nature and life. Artists observe objects with emotion, infusing their thoughts and feelings into their work. In landscape paintings, majestic peaks and misty clouds are not just depictions of natural grandeur but also expressions of the artist's reverence and praise for nature. In flower and bird paintings, the vibrant flowers and lively birds are not merely imitations but reflections of the artist's deep connection to the beauty and fragility of life. Thus, the artist's state of mind resonates with the universe, creating an enduring artistic conception.



Chinese culture, characterized by implicitness and conciseness, seeks the utmost simplicity, where great sound is inaudible, and great form is formless. This aesthetic principle is fully manifested in the culture of poetry. It uses strict rhyme, concise words, tight structure, deep emotions, and rich imagery to highly condense and express the myriad of worldly phenomena and the human soul.

Liu Bo, having deeply understood the beauty of poetry, was a disciple of Ye Jiaying. Ye Jiaying, styled Jialing, originally surnamed Yehenara, was born on July 2, 1924 (the first day of the sixth lunar month) in Beijing. She is a renowned scholar, educator, and poet in classical literature. Ye has dedicated herself to teaching, researching, and promoting classical poetry, specializing in classical poetry and Su Shi's ci, with remarkable achievements. She has also made significant contributions to new literary criticism, classical literary criticism, and poetry criticism, and has outstanding achievements in traditional recitation and talent cultivation.

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Ye Jiaying values the significance and value of poetry creation to life itself more than other poets known for their famous works. She finds solace and strength in the poems of ancient poets, drawing power for life and morality, and despite enduring great hardships, she transforms her moral will through the spirit of poetry. Through her poetic works, she expresses and transforms various emotions such as sorrow, anger, helplessness, and joy into a resilient, compassionate, and steadfast spiritual state and will. Her works reflect her soul, wisdom, character, and cultivation. The beauty of her poetry particularly emphasizes "arousing and moving emotions," which is the essence of her criticism. The artistic conception of classical poetry is her pursuit and strength. Her subjects and styles are diverse, staying within her experiences and vision. Her creations adhere to the elegant and orderly ancient forms, encompassing ci, qu, fu, drama, and essays, with the choice of form always serving to fully express her emotions and thoughts.

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In Liu Bo's recollection, Ye Jiaying embodies the noble spirit of "a scholar who is committed to the Dao and ashamed of wearing coarse clothes and eating coarse food," and particularly despises the habits of hypocrites. She evaluates Liu Bo as one who rejects social engagements, remains solitary, takes poetry as his soul and calligraphy as his bones, walking alone with unique grace, embodying the distinct character of a literati. Immersed in this environment, Liu Bo has deeply realized that the essence of being a scholar lies in bearing social responsibility and contributing to development, rather than flaunting and enjoying personal achievements.

In recent years, Ye Jiaying has been advocating for the preservation of the traditional art of poetic chanting. Chanting differs from recitation, singing, and acting. She increasingly feels the crisis of survival of this traditional culture in contemporary times. Following his teacher's footsteps, Liu Bo is committed to cultural transmission and education, advocating training in the Analects, the Book of Songs, the Chu Ci, poetic couplets, and classic reading, subtly influencing the transmission of excellent traditional culture.

Chinese culture is an inexhaustible source of spirit for us, providing endless motivation for future generations. On this land, cultural inheritance is not only knowledge from books but also our faith and attitude in life. It teaches us to find inner peace in a restless world and seek spiritual strength in adversity. As "The Rolling Weed" describes, although we are in turmoil and have endured hardships, we can still draw strength from classical poetry and move forward with resilience. This spirit, like a bright lamp, illuminates our path ahead.

In his lecture, Liu Bo enables people to feel the profound wisdom of culture through the immersion in classics, purifying their original intentions and jointly safeguarding the fertile soil of cultural heritage. May our arts and culture flow like a long river, enduring and benefiting future generations. May the charm of the classics, as carriers of morality and transformers of people, allow Chinese culture to shine brightly on the world stage!
