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Shanghai piloted some new measures to facilitate personnel exchanges between Shanghai, Hong Kong, and Macau as part of the efforts of the National Immigration Administration (NIA) to simplify the application for entry and exit process.

Six categories of professionals who work in Shanghai, including those in the field of scientific research, health, education, and law, can apply for a multiple-entry endorsement valid from one to five years, with a stay of no more than 30 days in Hong Kong or Macau each time.

Fan Mingchao, executive deputy director of the Shanghai Arbitration Commission, was at the Shanghai Exit-Entry Administration Bureau to apply.It took him about half an hour to receive the endorsement for visiting Hong Kong and Macau valid for multiple visits for one year.

"The policy promotes the integration of industry, academia, and research in Shanghai, Hong Kong, and Macau, which helps to build a talent highland in Shanghai," said Shen Qiang, director of the Chinese citizen outbound documents management division of the Shanghai Exit-Entry Administration.

Chinese mainland residents applying for business endorsements to Hong Kong and Macau can now also submit applications at the exit-entry administration windows of public security authorities.

The intelligent endorsement equipment on the second floor of the reception hall in the Shanghai Exit-Entry Administration Bureau has also added the function of multiple business endorsements to Hong Kong and Macau, making the application process easy and quick.

Shen said the business endorsement to Hong Kong and Macau is not only efficient, covering nationwide, but the holder of the period of stay in Hong Kong and Macau had also been extended from 7 days to 14 days.

Meanwhile, services to facilitate mainland residents to go to Macau will also be improved.From today, residents who go to Macau for exhibitions, medical treatment, or other activities can also apply for a one-year multiple-entry endorsement at the exit-entry administration window of any public security authority with relevant supporting documents.

"For those who go to Macau for medical treatment, we will allow one to two accompanying persons to apply for the same type of endorsement," said Hou Xiaowen, deputy director of the Chinese citizen outbound documents administration department of the Shanghai Exit-Entry Administration Bureau.

Shanghai, one of the pilot cities to build an online application network of immigration documents, has for the first time successfully realized the full functioning of the online system.




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Source: Shanghai Daily SHINE

Edited by Zhang Jingwen

Reviewed by Xu Leibing, Yao Yiying and Zhao Ruonan

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