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What your profile picture REALLY says about you: Experts say they can reveal if you are conscientious, artistic or neurotic.


Using thousands of Twitter profile pictures, an international team of researchers found that personality traits can be accurately predicted based on differences in aesthetic and facial presentation.


In a recent paper, Analyzing Personality through Social Media Profile Picture Choice, researchers analysed a data set of more than 66,000 Twitter users, and collected up to 3,200 of the most recent tweets for each person.


Along with this, 434 Twitter users were given a psychological survey to determine their scores among the Big Five personality traits.


These include extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, and openness to experience.


Profile pictures are likely an important indicator of personality, as they are chosen by the user to represent their online persona, the researchers explain.


Twitter users that have a profile picture with higher aesthetic quality – increased contrast, sharpness,saturation, less blur – were associated with open personalities, the team found.


Extraverts were found to have the most colourful images, and tended to have profile pictures that contain multiple people.


Neurotic users, they found, tended to have simpler, uncolourful images.


They were also more likely to opt not to present a face in their photos, and had an overall lack of positive emotions when a face was shown.


