Dua Lipaand her boyfriend Callum Turner put on a very smitten display during a daily stroll in New York's SoHo on Saturday.


The pop icon, 28, and the British actor, 34, looked in good spirits as they cosied up for a sunnyoutingin the city.

这位 28 岁的流行偶像和这位 34 岁的英国男演员在阳光明媚的城市里惬意地出游,看起来心情很好。

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Dua displayed her love for the actor as she appeared to have a sweet picture of them together as her phone'slock screen.


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The night prior, the couple put on another smitten display as the singer hid behind Callum during an outing in New York City.


Stepping out for dinner at Via Carota, she sweetly placed her hands in hispocketsas they both laughed.

在 Via Carota 吃晚餐时,她甜蜜地把双手插在他的口袋里,两人都笑了起来。

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Things between Lipa and Turner started heating up when they were first spotted together after the Masters of the Air premiere, and Us confirmed the two were dating.


Later that month, Turner was asked if he would be attending the 2024 Grammy Awards, alluding to his relationship. “No, I’m not a musician,” he told Entertainment Tonight, stayingtight-lippedabout the romance.

当月晚些时候,特纳被问及是否会出席 2024 年格莱美颁奖典礼时,暗指了他的恋情。“不会,我不是音乐家,”他告诉《今夜娱乐》,对这段恋情守口如瓶。

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The couple appeared to take their relationship to the next level when Lipa met Turner’s mom,Rosemary Turner, on February 15, during his birthday celebration. Lipa had a giant smile as she hugged her man’s mom, according to photos obtained by the Daily Mail at the time.

2 月 15 日,在特纳的生日庆典上,啪姐见到了特纳的母亲罗斯玛丽·特纳,这对情侣的关系似乎更进一步。据《每日邮报》当时获得的照片显示,啪姐在拥抱她男朋友的妈妈时露出了灿烂的笑容。

While Lipa and Turner did not attend the Grammy Awards together, they did make a semi-public debut during the BAFTAs later that month. The couple initially attended the February 19 awards show separately. However, they were photographed holding hands during an afterparty in London later that night.


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Lipaand Turner took things to the next level when they headed to Mexico for a vacation together. They could be seen with their arms wrapped around each other while walking around, according to photos shared on social media.


“Dua and Callum spend almost all their time together and are nearlyinseparable,”a source exclusively told Us on March 26, revealing, “They travel together, they’ve met each other’s families, and they’re very serious about one another.”


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The insider noted that while Lipa is “a very independent woman,” when she is with Turner, “she’s happy to let him take the lead.” The source added: “They have a very balanced energy and Dua couldn’t be happier than she is with Callum.”





  • outing/ ˈaʊtɪŋ / n.短途旅游,远足;出门

    例句:We can't go without you for this outing.


  • lock screen:锁屏

    例句:If the screen is locked, pressing any key will bring up the lock screen.


  • pocket/ ˈpɒkɪt / n.衣袋,口袋

    例句:I slid the wallet into his pocket.


  • tight-lipped/ ˌtaɪt ˈlɪpt /adj.口风紧的; 守口如瓶的

    例句:He was sitting at the other end of the table, tight-lipped and angry.


  • inseparable/ ɪnˈseprəbl / adj.(人)形影不离的;(东西)分不开的,不可分离的

    例句:He firmly believes liberty is inseparable from social justice.




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