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Opera BOMBANA与您一同走向龙腾虎跃新一年

With hope, we boldly soar into the new year.Embracing 2024 with full fervor, Opera BOMBANA is back in action, accompanying you on an exciting journey into the new year.

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春节的喜气洋溢在每个人的脸上,新衣、新面貌,新精气神让我们活力满满。2024年新春之际,Opera BOMBANA携全新菜品,为亲爱的您,蓄满电量。

The Spring Festival's joy radiates from every smile, as new attire, rejuvenated spirits, and a sense of renewal energize us. Opera BOMBANA introduces new dishesto celebrate the auspicious 2024 Chinese New Year, fully charged to delight our cherished guests.


iberico ham, lentils ragù, smoked paprika


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Every New Year, there's a sincere love for the color red among the Chinese. The combination of confit eggandIberico ham, dressed with smoked paprika, resembles the rising sun, so round and delightful, yet full of festive joy, making it almost too tempting to resist.


yunnan pumpkin risotto, chestnut and ricotta cheese

意式烩饭配云南南瓜,栗子及ricotta 芝士

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The newly introduced Italian risottois like exploring a canvas by Vincent van Gogh. Yunnan pumpkin, chestnuts,andpumpkin seedsbring various shades of yellow, combined with Ricotta cheese, incorporating the freshness of the fruits and the creaminess of the cheese into the risotto, leaving a lingering sweetness in the mouth.


wagyu oxtail ravioli, mushrooms ragù, parmigiano foam


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Opera BOMBANA广受好评的手工和牛牛尾饺子,超具性价比。饱满丰盈的手工饺子外皮柔韧醇厚,内里满含和牛牛尾馅,轻盈的芝士泡沫与蘑菇酱汁的搭配让饺子口感更丰富,成为意式风情与中式元素的叠搭佳品

Opera BOMBANA's highly acclaimed handmade Italian Wagyu oxtail ravioli is now featured on the menu, offering exceptional value. These plump and juicy ravioli boast a tender and flavorful outer shell, filled with a luxurious Wagyu oxtail filling. Enhanced with a delicate parmigiano foam and mushroom ragù, they provide a delightful fusion of Italian charm and Chinese influence.


short rib“brasato”stew, red wine sauce,

morel mushrooms, roasted pumpkin


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The classic "brasato" stew with beef short ribs, made with Australian Wagyu and simmered slowly, seamlessly blends hometown flavors with modern aesthetics. Morel mushrooms and roasted pumpkin not only complement the stew in texture but also offer a contemporary aesthetic experience, immersing one in a dual delight of taste and visual enjoyment.


hazelnut & chocolate cake, 70% dark chocolate cream,

homemade hazelnut gelato

榛子巧克力蛋糕,70% 黑巧克力奶油,自制榛子冰淇淋

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Created by our talented pastry chef, the new Opera Cake, complemented by homemade hazelnut gelato and 70% dark chocolate cream. Rich, intense, and perfectly balanced in sweetness, with a distinct layered texture, it's a blend of classic inspiration and exquisite innovation.

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Opera BOMBANA全体员工将饱满热情带回工作中



With the vigor of the dragon, we press on, confident in the clarity ahead. Our team at Opera BOMBANA returns with full passion, ready to accompany you through the Year of the Dragon in 2024. Let's embark on this journey together towards a bright future.