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Some people lack motivation in their studies and originally want to become bosses in the future; Some people have been confused and unaware of what they will do in the future! A person without a purpose in life, who can pray for your future actions? Set yourself a basic goal, set yourself a recent example, and then work hard to see; At least starting from today, try what it feels like to have a fulfilling day!

Learning is a complex and challenging project. By focusing on your own learning, you have actually taken a solid first step on the path of life. I strive for my youth, I grasp my future! With your wise diligence, your life will surely shine!

I want to say: Life has both flowers and a setting sun; In the setting sun, flowers bloom, and under them, the setting sun may be hidden.

Some people are willing to become beggars and wander the streets; Some people are unwilling to be mediocre and tireless; Some people willingly fall and do nothing; Some people indulge in extravagance and waste their time. I've been thinking: What kind of person do I want to be? What kind of person can I be? I should

A student who has a vague concept of time and cannot scientifically allocate their time will definitely not have fully utilized their learning to the fullest. My observation is that some students use good memory time before morning reading to exercise their bodies, some are solving complex math problems, and some are busy and lively. When they wake up in the morning, they feel confused! This is a manifestation of poor utilization of one's own resources. In the morning without proactive memory, it would be great to reinforce some of the content that needs to be memorized. In a relatively quiet self-study, quietly analyzing a math problem also reduces a lot of interference, doesn't it?

At your age, in an era of highly advanced information technology, there are too many temptations you need to resist. For example, the use of mobile phones, early love, aversion to learning, playing games online, and so on. These are not just opportunities for you to showcase, but also the first brutal screening in your life, like a big wave washing sand! Are you willing to be a slave to mobile phones, taste the bitter fruits that are difficult to mature, wander outside the door of knowledge, and be imprisoned by the internet for the development of your body and mind? The first gain of learning to resist temptation is to let your empty feeling be occupied by fulfillment!


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