
作者:丽塔·德拉费里亚——利兹大学税法系主任,也是智库ReImagine Europa系列讲座的撰稿人


2023 年 12 月 26 日周二 11.00 GMT

In Britain’s trade-off laden tax system there’s no such thing as a free lunch

Rita de la Feria

Fairer, greener taxation is possible but first we have to dispel myths that surround the debates

Tue 26 Dec 2023 11.00 GMT

trade-off:n. 权衡;(在需要而又相互对立的两者间的)协调;

laden: 满载的;(用于构成形容词)充满…的,装载…的;充满的(尤指充满令人不快的东西);载满的,装满的;负担沉重的,苦恼的;


dispel:vt. 消除(尤指感觉或信仰);驱散;


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Let’s be honest: no one likes to pay taxes. Most of us do it (reluctantly) because we understand that at their core is the concept of pooling: we all contribute, so that public services are there when we need them. So that we get healthcare when we are ill, so that there is someone at the end of the line when we report a crime, so that our kids get a good education. If we feel that these services function well, our tax morale – the technical term for our willingness to pay taxes – tends to be high. When we don’t, our willingness to pay decreases.

pool:vt. 集中资源(或材料等);

tax morale:税收道德;

When waiting times for adequate healthcare run into years, when schools close because of a lack of safe facilities, when you report a crime but no one comes, the allure of the tax cut – always there, always present – becomes nearly irresistible. The little devil on top of your shoulder is telling you that taxes are too high already, and “What are you paying for anyway?” If those tax cuts are accompanied by a promise that public services will (magically) also improve, so much the better.



irresistible:adj. 不可抗拒的;无法抵制的;不可遏止的;忍不住想要的;极诱人的;

so much the better:那样就更好了;


Deep down we know that there is no such thing as a free lunch. We know that we cannot have both outstanding Scandinavian-style public services and a low tax-burden. Despite recent increases, according to the latest OECD data, at present the UK tax burden is still slightly below average when compared with other wealthy countries, and substantially lower than the taxation of other western European states such as France, Germany or Denmark. But we want so much to have our cake and eat it that we will cling on to any possible rationalisation.

Deep down 词典 在内心深处,在心底(知道);

outstanding:adj. 优秀的;突出的;杰出的;出色的;重要的;未完成的;明显的;未解决的;未支付的;

substantially:adv. 基本上;大体上;非常;大大地;总的来说;

cling on:坚持,固守;

rationalisation: 合理化;理性化;


The rarely told, painful truth about taxes is that there are never simple answers. Taxes, like reality, are complex and full of trade-offs. The first, and most important of all, is that generally we get what we pay for: lower taxation, lower standard of public services; high standard of services, higher taxes. But there are many more trade-offs.

rarely told:鲜为人知的;


generally:adv. 通常;一般地;大体上;大概;广泛地;概括地;普遍地;笼统地;通常地;


We should have a competitive tax system. Attract investment, create jobs, encourage economic growth. Seems like a no-brainer, right? Well, it isn’t. First, it is not easy because almost every government in the world is following the same strategy. So in order to remain competitive, countries must often offer ever greater tax advantages. This has led to a race to the bottom in corporate taxation that global reforms have been trying to stop for the last decade.

competitive:adj. 竞争的;有竞争力的;(比…)更好的;(与…)一样好的;努力竞争的;一心求胜的;

no-brainer:n. 无需用脑的事;容易的决定,不费力就能做的事情;

greater tax advantages:更大的税收优惠;

race to the bottom:打到底线的竞争


Second, even assuming that we win that competition, there are still trade-offs. In a competition there are always losers: for us to win, others will lose. If other countries are not getting investment, or not getting the tax revenues that can increase their economic growth or improve public services, then we cannot be surprised that young people feel the need to migrate to richer countries in search of a better life. Of course, it is not all about taxes. But there is a link between global tax policy and migration flows, which we all too often choose to ignore.

migration flows:移民流动;


We need a fairer tax system. Few would disagree. But we first need to agree on fairness, and that is not as easy as it appears. Even if we assume that by fair we mean decreasing inequality, which is philosophically and politically divisive, there are many inequalities. Most obviously income inequality, but also gender, race, etc. But which should we prioritise?

inequality:n. 不平等;不平衡;不平均;


divisive:adj. 分裂的;引起分歧的;造成不和的;


prioritise:v. 给予…优先权;按优先顺序处理;出轻重缓急;把事情按优先顺序排好(等于prioritize);


The tax system should also encourage the transition to a sustainable and greener economy. In the middle of the Cop28 agreement, sustainability and environmental protection are key priorities, so using the tax system to achieve those aims seems obvious.


Alas, there are trade-offs. Tax measures designed to protect the environment will often hit those on the lowest incomes hardest – globally and domestically. This was recently exposed by the cost of living crisis, and the consequent decision in the UK – as in many other European countries – to lower taxes on energy products. The measure was designed to protect those on lower incomes, but had obvious environmental and geopolitical consequences: we gave a tax incentive to the consumption of fossil fuels, potentially increasing dependency on Russian gas. It may be that, at that moment in time, protection of the poorest and the most vulnerable was most important. That perhaps is understandable; less so, however, is the fact that no government, neither the UK’s nor others, seemed willing to even acknowledge this trade-off.


geopolitical:adj. 地缘政治学的;