


Fears of regional escalation as Israel warns of ‘multi-front’ war

Defence minister tells Knesset that country under attack from Gaza, Lebanon, Syria, West Bank, Iraq, Yemen and Iran

Bethan McKernan in Jerusalem Tue 26 Dec 2023 15.07 EST




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Israel is engaged in a “multi-front war”, its defence minister has said, hinting at military operations across the Middle East as the war in Gaza showed new signs of a dangerous regional escalation.

military operations:军事行动;


Speaking in parliament on Tuesday, Yoav Gallant said Israel was “coming under attack from seven theatres: Gaza, Lebanon, Syria, Judea and Samaria [an Israeli term for the West Bank], Iraq, Yemen and Iran”.






“We have already responded and taken action in six of these theatres,” he told the Knesset, without specifying.

specify 具体说明;明确规定;详述;详列;


Iran-allied militias around the Middle East have attacked Israel and US military installations across the region since Hamas launched its devastating attack on southern Israel on 7 October, killing 1,140 people and taking up to 250 hostage.


take up:占有,占据;

devastating attack:毁灭性的打击;

以色列对哈马斯控制的加沙地带的报复性战争,已经成为 21 世纪最具破坏性的冲突之一,据估计,已有 20,600 多人丧生,55,000 人受伤,巴勒斯坦领土 230 万人中有 85% 被迫逃离家园。

Israel’s retaliatory war on the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip has already become one of the most destructive conflicts of the 21st century, with estimates suggesting more than 20,600 people have been killed, 55,000 injured, and 85% of the Palestinian territory’s 2.3 million people forced to flee their homes.

retaliatory 报复性的;反击的;



destructive conflicts:破坏性的冲突;


Fighting in the 41km-by-12km (25 mile-by-7 mile) territory has intensified since a seven-day ceasefire collapsed at the beginning of December. Israeli forces continued to bombard refugee camps in the centre of the strip for a fourth day on Tuesday, in an apparent sign of its promised broadening of the offensive.

ceasefire n. (通常指永久性的)停火,停战;

intensify v.(使)加强,增强,加剧;强化;



refugee camps:难民营;


broaden v. 增长(经验、知识等);变宽;(使)扩大影响;变阔;


A total of 241 people had been killed and 382 injured over the past 24 hours, the health ministry in Gaza said on Tuesday afternoon. The ministry does not differentiate between civilian and combatant casualties, but about 70% of the toll is estimated to be women and children.


civilian:n. 平民;老百姓;庶民;

combatant:n. 战斗人员;战士;参战者;


toll:n. (道路、桥梁的)通行费;(缓慢而有规律的)钟声;伤亡人数;(战争、灾难等造成的)毁坏;长途电话费;



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Gallant’s comments on Tuesday came as the war in Gaza threatened to spill outside the borders of Israel and the Palestinian territories. Earlier in the day, Egypt said a drone was shot down near the Red Sea resort city of Dahab, the second such occurrence in a month.

spill:v. 溢出;(使)洒出;涌出;泼出;蜂拥而出;

spill outside:蔓延开来,扩散开来;


resort city:度假城市;

occurrence n. 发生;出现;存在;发生的事情;存在的事物;



The drone’s origin was not immediately clear, but Yemen’s Houthi rebels have disrupted global trade in the Red Sea with attacks on international vessels, and have launched drones and missiles towards Israel.



周二晚些时候,胡塞武装声称对红海一艘集装箱船的导弹袭击以及试图用无人机袭击以色列负责。MSC地中海航运公司表示,在从沙特阿拉伯驶向巴基斯坦的途中,其船只United VIII遭到袭击,所幸没有造成船员受伤。胡塞武装发言人亚亚·萨雷亚(Yahya Sarea)在电视讲话中说,该组织瞄准了这艘船。他还说,与伊朗结盟的胡塞武装对埃拉特和以色列其他地区进行了军事行动,但他没有说是否有任何目标被击中。

Late on Tuesday, the Houthis claimed responsibility for a missile attack on a container ship in the Red Sea, and for an attempt to attack Israel with drones. MSC Mediterranean Shipping said there were no injuries to its crew from the attack on its ship, the United VIII, en route from Saudi Arabia to Pakistan. A Houthi military spokesperson, Yahya Sarea, said in a televised address the group had targeted the vessel. He also said the Houthis, which are aligned to Iran, had carried out a military operation targeting Eilat and other areas in Israel. He did not say whether any of the targets were hit.


en route:在途中;在路上;

address: 演讲;演说; televised address:电视讲话;


carry out:进行;执行,实行;实施;贯彻;



On Saturday, the US defence department explicitly blamed Iran for the first time since the Gaza conflict broke out for a drone attack targeting a chemical tanker in the Indian Ocean.


tanker:n. 油轮;罐车;油罐车;油槽车;运送大量液体或气体的轮船(或卡车);


Tuesday’s explosions occurred a day after an Israeli airstrike outside the Syrian capital of Damascus killed a senior general in Iran’s Revolutionary Guards. An Iranian statement on national television said Israel would “pay for this crime”.


Revolutionary Guards:革命卫队;

senior general:高级别将军;


In Iraq, the US bombed three sites associated with Kata’ib Hezbollah, an Iranian-backed militia it blamed for a drone strike that wounded three American soldiers based in the northern city of Erbil. The airstrikes drew sharp condemnation from the Iraqi government.

Hezbollah:真主党;黎巴嫩;黎巴嫩真主党;Kata’ib Hezbollah:卡塔伊卜真主党;


condemnation:谴责;指责;sharp condemnation:强烈谴责;


And far from the Middle East, in India, there was an explosion near the Israeli embassy in New Delhi, Israel’s foreign ministry said on Tuesday. Indian and Israeli officials are investigating the cause of the blast, in which no one was hurt.


blast: 爆炸;(爆炸引起的)气浪,冲击波;(吹奏乐器、哨子、汽车喇叭等突然发出的)响声,吹奏声,轰鸣;严厉的批评;热闹的聚会;突如其来的强劲气流;


Separately, Israel and the powerful Iran-backed Lebanese group Hezbollah have traded near-daily volleys of missiles, airstrikes and shelling across the frontier since 7 October. About 150 people in Lebanon have been killed, including 17 civilians, and 11 in Israel, including four civilians. Behind the scenes, the US is leading intense negotiations to try to de-escalate the hostilities on the Blue Line that separates the two countries, where the risk of miscalculation setting off a regional war is highest.


near-daily :几乎每天;

volley:v.截击;凌空抽射;拦截(空中球); n. 截击空中球;(子弹的)群射,齐发;凌空击球(或踢球);(石块的)齐投;(质问、评论、辱骂等的)接连发出;;

shell:v. 炮击;给…去壳;采集贝壳;从(对方投手)大量得分;为(吐顿养殖场等)铺设贝壳;



de-escalate : 降级;(使)逐步降级;

hostility:n. 敌意;对抗;战争行为;(对思想、计划或情形的)愤怒反对,愤怒反抗;

miscalculation:n. 误判;计算错误;误算;判断错误;


Despite increasing international outcry over the humanitarian disaster in Gaza, including growing criticism from Israel’s most important ally, the US, the prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, has said Israel would push on until achieving “complete victory” over Hamas. He reiterated during a visit to Israeli troops in Gaza on Monday that the fight “isn’t close to finished”.





“We are not stopping. The war will continue until the end, until we finish it, no less,” he said.

no less:仍旧,同样,依然;

以色列表示,它尽其所能保护平民,并指责哈马斯利用加沙的人口作为人体盾牌 - 该组织否认这一指控。

Israel says it does what it can to protect civilians, and blames Hamas for using Gaza’s population as human shields – a charge the group denies.

charge: (商品和服务所需的)要价,收费;充电量,电荷;指控;主管;控告;任务;指责;谴责;炸药量;被照管的人;感染力;突然猛冲;


Israel’s military issued orders on Tuesday afternoon telling residents of central Gaza’s Bureij, Nuseirat and Maghazi refugee camps to leave, despite designating the camps as “evacuation zones” earlier in the war, meaning that the strip’s civilians are being forced to seek shelter in ever-smaller areas.

designate:vt. 指定;命名;选定,指派,委任(某人任某职);指明;标示;标明;

evacuation zones:疏散区域;

ever-smaller: 愈来愈小的;


The UN’s human rights office said in a statement: “We are gravely concerned about the continued bombardment of Middle Gaza by Israeli forces, which has claimed more than 100 Palestinian lives since Christmas Eve.”



Gaza and the West Bank are home to 68 refugee camps, most of which were set up to house Palestinians who fled their homes after the creation of Israel in 1948. Today, they are overcrowded and poverty-stricken, with few services.

creation:n. 创造;创建;设立;创作;作品;世界;(尤指《圣经》所述由上帝)创造天地;

overcrowd:v. 使过度拥挤;把…塞得太满;



Fighting in the northern half of the strip also appears to be fierce, despite assessments from the Israeli army’s chief of staff over the weekend that Israel had near “total operational control” over Gaza City.


chief of staff: (总)参谋长;

operational:adj. 操作的;业务的;运营的;运转的;军事行动的;可使用;total operational control:完全的军事行动控制权;


Around a quarter of Gaza’s population are starving, the UN’s latest estimate said, while only nine of the territory’s 36 hospitals are functioning. Doctors, overwhelmed with injured people and lacking basic medical supplies, say that in many cases they have been forced to amputate limbs that could have been saved under different circumstances.

function: 起作用;运转;正常工作;

amputate: 截肢;(用外科手术)切断;截(肢);

limb:肢;臂;腿;翼;翅膀;(树的)大枝,主枝;有…肢(或翼、翅膀)的;amputate limbs:截肢;


While since mid-December there has been an increase in aid reaching Gaza – about 200 trucks a day – aid agencies say this is still a fraction of what is needed for the population to cope with the winter, and is difficult to distribute aid because of the fighting. Before the conflict broke out, about 500 goods and aid trucks entered the territory every day.

agencies: (政府的)专门机构;(尤指)代理机构,经销机构;服务机构;

fraction: 小部分;分数;小数;少量;一点儿;


Phone and internet lines appeared to have been blocked on Tuesday afternoon, with Gaza’s main telecoms provider, PalTel, announcing another “complete interruption of service”. Such outages are now frequent, especially before big Israeli ground operations.


ground operations:地面行动;


Hamas cells using improvised explosive devices, ambushes and an extensive tunnel network have inflicted significant losses on the Israel Defense Forces in recent days, bringing the total number of Israeli soldiers killed to 156.


improvise:v. 即兴创作(音乐、台词、演讲词等);临时拼凑;临时做;可理解为自治的简易爆炸装置;




A ceasefire proposal put forward by Egypt, a key mediator between Israel and Hamas, was rejected by both parties on Monday night. Talks mediated by Qatar, which led to a seven-day ceasefire at the end of November and the release of 100 hostages in exchange for 240 Palestinian women and children held in Israeli jails, also appear to have stalled.

ceasefire proposal:停火协议;

mediator: 调停者;斡旋者;解决纷争的人(或机构);

