
Design is to create and restore, restoring a life mode-this life mode comes from the experience, preferences and habits of the occupants of the house, and is the daily framework structure and potential behavior logic of the house owner.

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Restore a kind of life scene, and build on this foundation to create a stage for the next life experience. Yishu Home, design life, restore life.

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Yishujia keeps thinking about the convenience of using furniture. Adhering to home furnishing products can not only achieve comfort, design and practicality, but also deeply restore the lives of residents.

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In addition, Yishujia devotes itself to creating a healthier, safer, and more comfortable living space in terms of users, situation creation, and material innovation. It has created a colorful world with a sense of design for us, perfect It shows the light and luxurious American style.

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The whole white space is decorated with ornaments. Contrary to the purity of the house, I chose furniture and ornaments with richer colors. The jumping colors are cheerful and bright, suggesting that life should not only be pure and clean, but also colorful. Rich colors help. Yu Qidi's deep emotions arouse people's spirit.

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We are not conservative and rigid, and create an American luxury home style with an unstoppable creative spirit. Along the way, the mission has always been to provide modern, modern and functional furniture, 100% modern imported design and production, complete quality, and continuous innovation and design. Yishujia is the best testimony of consumers' hard work!

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We have a strong mission of humanistic care. In the baptism of time, Yishujia has always tried new materials, new technologies, and new design concepts with a keen sense of fashion and life, just to create the most humane style. Home experience.

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It inherits the essence of the American master's sophistication, combined with the modernist style, and inherits the American simple lifestyle. The pursuit of the ultimate quality of life, a little bit, seemingly casual, but unique ingenuity. Every minute and minute has been sculpted in every possible way.

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The space has a degree of relaxation, and the three-dimensional abstract installation and the fusion of multiple arts demonstrate the taste of life and aesthetic appeal. Apart from abandoning the anxiety and complexity of life, release the good wishes of beauty and art in my heart, and find the tender place in my heart more truly.

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People and residence, life and style are often mutually selected. It seems that people have chosen a way of life, but in fact this way of life is determined by a series of previous life experiences such as the homeowner’s habits, experience, preferences, etc. So, as a life style carrier, the house must also carry the path that the owner has walked, and can walk with him to the future together.