
比如,big fish,字面的意思是“大鱼”,但实际的意思却是“大人物”

再比如,bad apple,字面意思是“坏苹果”,但实际的意思却是“大坏蛋”

今天我们来学一个和月份有关的俚语——January and May. 这个俚语字面的意思是“一月和五月”,但它实际的意思却大相径庭,大家知道是什么吗?

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January and May

January and May: "a marriage between an older person and one considerably younger",也就是一个年轻人与一个年长很多的人之间的婚姻。

January and May 这种说法源于英国著名诗人、小说家乔叟。



后来,这个表达演变成了December and May, 但是,January and May的说法也流传了下来。

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to have January chicks

chick是小鸡的意思,to have January chicks这个表达依旧与乔叟的“商人的故事”有关。

January男爵和May结婚之后,不就就有了孩子,所以人们就用 to have January chicks这个表达来形容“老来得子”。

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A Cold Day In July

大家看字面意思应该就能够猜出a cold day in July 这个俚语的含义,“七月里的大冷天”指的就是“不可能发生的事” (Something that will never happen)。


It’ll be a cold day in July when our team wins the championship. We’re terrible.



at the eleventh hour

at the eleventh hour 这个俚语的意思就是:“在最后的时刻,正是时候,分秒不差”


We barely made the deadline, there was so much to do in this project we turned it in at the eleventh hour.


in the nick of time

in the nick of time 与 at the eleventh hour意思相同,也是“在最后的时刻”的意思。


They escaped from the smoke-filled house just in the nick of time.
