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导读:这篇文章让你尝试使用 TeXstudio。TeXstudio 是一个便于编辑 LaTeX 文档的软件。

本文字数:4968,阅读时长大约: 5分钟

作者:Julita Inca Chiroque
译者:Chao-zhi Liu

LaTeX 是一个服务于高质量排版的。通常用于大量的技术和科学文档的排版。不过,你也可以使用 LaTex 排版各种形式的文档。教师可以编辑他们的考试和教学大纲,学生可以展示他们的论文和报告。这篇文章让你尝试使用 TeXstudio。TeXstudio 是一个便于编辑 LaTeX 文档的软件。

启动 TeXstudio

如果你使用的是 Fedora Workstation,请启动软件管理,然后输入 TeXstudio 以搜索该应用程序。然后选择安装并添加 TeXstudio 到你的系统。你可以从软件管理中启动这个程序,或者像以往一样在概览中启动这个软件。


  1. $ texstudio

  2. bash: texstudio: command not found...

  3. Install package 'texstudio' to provide command 'texstudio'? [N/y] y


LaTeX 命令通常以反斜杠\开头,命令参数用大括号{}括起来。首先声明documentclass的类型。这个例子向你展示了该文档的类是一篇文章。


  1. \documentclass{article}

  2. \begin{document}

  3. The Fedora Project is a project sponsored by Red Hat primarily to co-ordinate the development of the Linux-based Fedora operating system, operating with the vision that the project "creates a world where free culture is welcoming and widespread, collaboration is commonplace, and people control their content and devices". The Fedora Project was founded on 22 September 2003 when Red Hat decided to split Red Hat Linux into Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) and a community-based operating system, Fedora.

  4. \end{document}



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  1. \documentclass{article}

  2. \begin{document}

  3. \hspace{2.5cm} The four essential freedoms

  4. \vspace{0.6cm}

  5. A program is free software if the program's users have the 4 essential freedoms:

  6. The freedom to run the program as you wish, for any purpose (freedom 0).\vspace{0.2cm}

  7. The freedom to study how the program works, and change it so it does your computing as you wish (freedom 1). Access to the source code is a precondition for this.\vspace{0.2cm}

  8. The freedom to redistribute copies so you can help your neighbour (freedom 2).\vspace{0.2cm}

  9. The freedom to distribute copies of your modified versions to others (freedom 3). By doing this you can give the whole community a chance to benefit from your changes. Access to the source code is a precondition for this.

  10. \end{document}

如果需要,你也可以使用noindent命令来避免缩进。这里是上面 LaTeX 源码的结果:



额外的格式也有助于使文本更具可读性。用于格式化的有用命令包括粗体、斜体、下划线、超大、大、小和 textsc 以帮助强调文本:

  1. \documentclass{article}

  2. \begin{document}

  3. \hspace{2cm} {\huge The four essential freedoms}

  4. \vspace{0.6cm}

  5. \noindent {\large A program is free software if the program's users have the 4 essential freedoms}:

  6. \begin{itemize}

  7. \item \vspace{0.2cm}

  8. \noindent \textbf{The freedom to run} the program as you wish, for any purpose \textit{(freedom 0)}. \vspace{0.2cm}

  9. \item \noindent \textbf{The freedom to study} how the program works, and change it so it does your computing as you wish \textit{(freedom 1)}. Access to the source code is a precondition for this.\vspace{0.2cm}

  10. \item \noindent \textbf{The freedom to redistribute} copies so you can help your neighbour \textit{(freedom 2)}.\vspace{0.2cm}

  11. \item \noindent \textbf{The freedom to distribute copies of your modified versions} to others \textit{(freedom 3)}. \tiny{By doing this you can give the whole community a chance to benefit from your changes.\underline{\textsc{ Access to the source code is a precondition for this.}}}

  12. \end{itemize}

  13. \end{document}


列、图像和链接有助于为文本添加更多信息。LaTeX 包含一些高级功能的函数作为宏包。\usepackage命令加载宏包以便你可以使用这些功能。


\includegraphics命令将图像内联放置在文档中。(为简单起见,请将图形文件包含在与 LaTeX 源文件相同的目录中。)

下面是一个使用所有这些概念的示例。它还使用下载的两个 PNG 图片。试试你自己的图片,看看它们是如何工作的。

  1. \documentclass{article}

  2. \usepackage{graphicx}

  3. \usepackage{multicol}

  4. \usepackage{hyperref}

  5. \begin{document}

  6. \textbf{GNU}

  7. \vspace{1cm}

  8. GNU is a recursive acronym for "GNU's Not Unix!", chosen because GNU's design is Unix-like, but differs from Unix by being free software and containing no Unix code.

  9. Richard Stallman, the founder of the project, views GNU as a "technical means to a social end". Stallman has written about "the social aspects of software and how Free Software can create community and social justice." in his "Free Society" book.

  10. \vspace{1cm}

  11. \textbf{Some Projects}

  12. \begin{multicols}{2}

  13. Fedora

  14. \url{https://getfedora.org}

  15. \includegraphics[width=1cm]{fedora.png}

  16. GNOME

  17. \url{https://getfedora.org}

  18. \includegraphics[width=1cm]{gnome.png}

  19. \end{multicols}

  20. \end{document}

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这里的功能只触及 LaTeX 功能的表面。你可以在该项目的了解更多关于它们的信息。


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