

Happy is a day, sad is a day, tomorrow will be better.


Every year there is a wind, the wind blowing year after year, slowly is long.

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能轻易失去的东西,确实谈不上有多遗憾 。

What can be easily lost is really not much to regret.

我对黄昏许愿,希望你永远在我身边 。

I made a wish on the evening that you would always be by my side.

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Don't be hard on yourself. Just be yourself.


My time with you, though brief, was by far the best time of my life.

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Life is long. Anything can happen. If you're not good, you're not good. Just live.


If you wash your hair to see youth, if you don't wash your hair to see life.

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You can't have a good day every day. A bad day makes a good day shine.


Thank you... for finding me... In this corner of the world.

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Maybe mom and dad don't fully understand you, but they must want the best for you, even if you don't want it at all, but be patient with them. No one loves you more than they do.


I didn't delete the photos, I just encrypted them, I didn't lose them, I just put them in that big box, and you, I didn't forget, I put you in those love songs, put them in the one night that I couldn't sleep.

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