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保时捷中国总裁兼CEO Jens Puttfarcken在接受中国日报采访时表示,尽管上半年受到疫情冲击影响,但是保时捷在华销量及订单量正在回升。

"I am pretty sure that we will reach at least the same number of deliveries as 2019 and there's even a chance to have another record year for Porsche in China," said Puttfarcken. In June, Porsche received nearly 10,000 orders, which is a record for the carmaker.

保时捷中国总裁兼CEO Jens Puttfarcken说:“我非常肯定,我们将至少达到与去年相同的交付数量,甚至有机会再创新高。”今年六月,保时捷收获了近1万份订单,创品牌单月订单数新高。

本届北京车展,保时捷展出的重磅车型包括有新款Panamera,及其性能旗舰Panamera Turbo S与插电式混合动力新成员Panamera 4S E-Hybrid行政加长版;保时捷首款纯电动跑车Taycan及Taycan Turbo S;保时捷电动方程式赛车99X Electric;全新911 Targa 4以及保时捷Cayenne E-Hybrid Coupe。


自8月26日,新款Panamera全球直播首发后,新款Panamera Turbo S和新款Panamera 4S E-Hybrid行政加长版两款车型在北京迎来全球真车首秀!

新款Panamera Turbo S旗舰车型打破了纽伯格林北环“最快行政车型”圈速记录,强化了同级最佳性能表现的定位。

新款Panamera 4S E-Hybrid行政加长版作为全新推出的车型,进一步拓展了插电式混合动力序列。同时,通过优化所有底盘部件与控制系统,显著提高了新款Panamera的驾驶舒适性与过弯稳定性。

By optimizing all chassis components and control systems, the new Panamera has improved driving comfort and turning stability.

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包括新款Panamera Turbo S,新款Panamera 4S E-Hybrid行政加长版在内,新款Panamera车系首批共发布了9款车型,提供后驱和四驱两种驱动方式,以及燃油和插电式混动两种动力形式,同时覆盖标准轴距、长轴距和Sport Turismo三种车身形态,充分满足不同客户的个性需求,为消费者带来独具魅力的驾驶体验。

Altogether the new Panamera has nine derivatives, including rear-wheel and four-wheel drive, fuel and plug-in hybrid power systems and multiple wheelbases and body styles.


保时捷首款纯电动跑车Taycan家族现已扩充至4款车型。而本届北京车展,也是Taycan Turbo S和身披冰莓粉金属漆色的全新Taycan首次联袂呈现。

保时捷中国总裁兼CEO Jens Puttfarcken表示,鉴于中国市场之于保时捷的重要程度,Taycan将最先在中国上市。

"This is the right moment to show to our customers because the Taycan base (model) will be delivered to China in December this year," said Puttfarcken. "No other market in the world will have the Taycan base as early as China does. We appreciate the Chinese importance for our business."

Puttfarcken 表示,Taycan将于今年十二月在中国上市,所以本届北京车展也是展示这款新车的最佳时机。中国将会是Taycan的全球首发地,因为保时捷充分理解中国对于其业务的重要性。

保时捷Taycan拥有最纯粹的跑车基因,继承了保时捷跑车的典型性能特征。同时,它又承载了众多创新技术:搭载了源自勒芒冠军919 Hybrid赛车的800 V技术,以持续稳定的高性能输出与更快的充电时间见长;同级最佳的能量回收技术进一步提升了能量效率和续航里程。

Coupled with the 800-volt technology used for the Porsche 919 Hybrid race car and an advanced energy recovery technology, the Taycan is known for its consistent and stable high performance, shorter charging time and improved energy efficiency.

全新911 Targa

全新911 Targa还未上市,就来到了中国,保时捷中国总裁兼CEO Jens Puttfarcken说到,那是因为越来越多的中国消费者对911感兴趣。

"For the 911, we see that there is an increased interest among Chinese customers into the concept of the 911. And we also want to show the 911 Targa, which is not on the market right now but is also something that we will deliver here in China very soon," Puttfarcken said.

我们发现越来越多的中国消费者对911的概念感兴趣,所以我们在911 Targa上市前就将其带到了中国。这款车也将在不久后在中国上市。

继全新911 Targa于深圳全球首秀后,其再次以独特经典美学呈现了品味、韵味、驾驶乐趣的结合。全新911 Targa 4采用了与911 Carrera别无二致的3.0升六缸涡轮增压水平对置发动机,最大输出功率为283 kW,峰值扭矩450 Nm,并配备了创新的全自动车顶系统,车顶可在19秒内轻松实现开合。

Equipped with a 3-liter six-cylinder turbocharged engine, the 911 Targa 4 has a maximum output value of 283 kilowatts and a top torque of 450 Newton meters. With the help of an innovative car roof control system, the 911 Targa 4 can open and close in 19 seconds.

在硬顶与敞篷之间,保时捷911 Targa独立的风格标志,则深受那些钟情于品味时间韵味、格调不凡且眼光独到的跑车文化爱好者的追捧。

同台展出的还有双门跑车保时捷718、跑车型SUV保时捷Macan、插电式混合动力车型保时捷Cayenne E-Hybrid Coupe以及保时捷首款纯电动赛车99X Electric。

In addition, the two-door sports car 718 Cayman, Macan SUV, Cayenne E-Hybrid Coupe and Porsche's first electric race car, the 99X Electric, are on stage at the 2020 Beijing auto show.

