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在疫情以及总统选举临近之际,全世界都在看着美国,夹杂着震惊、气愤,更多的是困惑。 Amid the pandemic and in the run-up to the presidential election, much of the world is watching the United States with a mix of shock, chagrin and, most of all, bafflement.

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How did a superpower allow itself to be felled by a virus?




缅甸这样一个贫穷的国家,正在与种族冲突和新冠疫情作斗争,这使得该国本就破旧的医疗体系更加超负荷运转。但这些都没有阻止政界人士同情这个他们认为“已经迷失方向”的国家。 Myanmar is a poor country struggling with open ethnic warfare and a coronavirus outbreak that could overload its broken hospitals. That hasn't stopped its politicians from commiserating with a country they think has lost its way. 缅甸国会议员敏乌表示:“我为美国人感到难过。但我们帮不了美国,因为我们国家太小了。” "I feel sorry for Americans," said U Myint Oo, a member of parliament in Myanmar. "But we can't help the US because we are a very small country."


"The USA is a first-world country but it is acting like a third-world country," said U Aung Thu Nyein, a political analyst in Myanmar.


印度尼西亚政界人士、活动家耶尼·瓦希德表示:“全世界看到的是美国社会内部凝聚力的瓦解,以及应对疫情的混乱状态。领导层面的空缺需要填补,然而美国并没有扮演好其领导角色。” "The world sees the dismantling of social cohesion within American society and the mess in managing Covid," said Yenny Wahid, an Indonesian politician and activist. "There is a vacuum of leadership that needs to be filled, but America is not fulfilling that leadership role."


He has turned his back on American aid because it often came with conditions to improve human rights. Now, he and his administration are ridiculing the United States and its handling of the pandemic.

在谈到特朗普时,柬埔寨人民党发言人索克·伊森 (Sok Eysan)说:“他有很多核武器,但是面对一种看不见的疾病,他却很疏忽大意。”

"He has many nuclear weapons," Sok Eysan, a spokesman for Mr. Hun Sen’s Cambodian People's Party, said of Mr. Trump. "But he is careless with a disease that can't be seen."


加拿大萨尼亚市市长迈克·布拉德利(Mike Bradley)表示:“就我个人而言,就好像在看着罗马帝国的衰落。”

"Personally, it's like watching the decline of the Roman Empire," said Mike Bradley, the mayor of Sarnia.



Mexico, perhaps more than any other country, has been the target of Mr. Trump's ire…Now they are feeling a new emotion that has overtaken their anger and bewilderment at Trumpian insults: sympathy.


皮尤研究中心对包括加拿大、日本、澳大利亚和德国在内的13个国家发起调查,结果显示,这些国家 对美国的负面情绪达到多年来的最高值。


A Pew Research Center poll of 13 countries found that over the past year, nations including Canada, Japan, Australia and Germany have been viewing the United States in its most negative light in years. In every country surveyed, the vast majority of respondents thought the United States was doing a bad job with the pandemic.


The diminution of the United States' global image began before the pandemic, as Trump administration officials snubbed international accords and embraced an America First policy. Now, though, its reputation seems to be in free-fall.


Such global disapproval historically has applied to countries with less open political systems and strongmen in charge.


But people from just the kind of developing countries that Mr. Trump has mocked say the signs coming from the United States are ominous: a disease unchecked, mass protests over racial and social inequality, and a president who seems unwilling to pledge support for the tenets of electoral democracy.


In places like the Philippines, Mexico and others, elected leaders have been compared to Mr. Trump when they have turned to divisive rhetoric, disregard of institutions, intolerance of dissent and antipathy toward the media.




But there is also a sense that Americans are now getting a glimpse of the troubles people living in fragile democracies must endure.

移民安全专家、墨西哥非营利组织“移民议程”负责人尤妮斯·伦登 (Eunice Rendon) 称, “现在美国人知道了,生活在‘脆弱民主’国家的人过的是什么样的日子:违反规范、国际贸易规则和自己国家的制度。这个世界上最强大的国家突然看起来很脆弱。”

"They now know what it's like in other countries: violating norms, international trade and its own institutions," said Eunice Rendon, an expert on migration and security and the director of Migrant Agenda, a nonprofit organization in Mexico. "The most powerful country in the world all of a sudden looks vulnerable."



Already, an American passport, which once allowed easy access to almost every country in the world, is no longer a valuable travel pass. Because of the coronavirus, American tourists are banned from most of Europe, Asia, Africa, Oceania and Latin America. Albania, Brazil and Belarus are among a small group of countries welcoming Americans with no restrictions, however.

