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而电影的上映也引发了网友对《花木兰》周边衍生产品的关注。最近,有网友发现,迪士尼与英国鞋牌Irregular Choice 曾推出《花木兰》联名款鞋子,这画风看着也是有些一言难尽……

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The release of Disney’s latest blockbuster, Mulan, was delayed several times as a result of the pandemic. Following the movie’s release, there is, therefore, little wonder that fans have paid extra attention to the movie’s merchandise.

A line of Mulan-inspired shoes and accessories, in particular, launched by Disney and British specialised shoemaker Irregular Choice in 2019, has drawn much attention online. The design, however, was mocked by fans who called them “a limited edition for Qingming Festival.”

在该系列联名款的设计中,可以看出用了大量西方人眼中的“东方元素”,比如说,这款名为“战士之心”(Warrior Heart) 的鞋子通体为桃红色,鞋头上饰有两大朵睡莲,并配上了蓝绿色与金色的内衬,售价为129英镑(约合人民币1130元)。

图源:Irregular Choice 网站

The low heel design is full of “oriental elements” in the eyes of westerners, with two giant water lilies covering the toe cap, matching the peach colour of the heel and the turquoise and gold lining.


图源:Irregular Choice 网站

Also, the collection features a colourful line of high heeled shoes with “oriental elements” such as auspicious clouds, plum blossoms, folding fans, and peonies.

在这款名为“忠于自己”(Be True To Who You Are)鞋子中,不光有满满中国风的中国结,鞋跟上还有木兰造型的小人↓↓↓

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图源:Irregular Choice 网站



One of the models even features a “Chinese knot” that is thrown around as you walk.

What’s even more striking is that the heel is designed in the style of Mulan figures, making many ask, “What did Mulan do wrong?

The series further attracted much attention with some observers saying: “What does the East look like to a westerner?” while another said, the design looks like shoes for the afterlife.

不过,不光是花木兰,Irregular Choice 其他公主的联名款画风也有些一言难尽,像是《美女与野兽》系列↓↓↓

图源:Irregular Choice 网站


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图源:Irregular Choice 网站


图源:Irregular Choice 网站

据Irregular Choice 官网信息显示,这些联名款鞋履售价从99英镑 (约866人民币) 到245英镑 (约2144人民币) 不等。

注:综合来源:观察者网 Asia One Irregular Choice网站;;21世纪英文报


“省省吧”、 “哪凉快哪呆着去” 英文怎么说?狠话必学!

真不是“Handsome can't eat”!

英语冷知识: 为何睡觉都用“ZZZ”表示?原来如此!
