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No Chingish Allowed

话题~:Mother school?

“Mother school ??” , is it translated to Chinese like "母校??"

Nope! Reading the following infos you may find out.

又是一个很典型的直译错误,“母亲的学校” 翻译过来就是 “母校” ??

首先我将揭幕其地道表达:Alma Mater [ɑlm mɑtr]


可能大家都知道 “哥伦比亚大学” 标志性雕像,也叫做 “Alma Mater”.

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Alma Mater Statue

其实它的来源是经历很多的历史过程,“Alma Mater” 一词源于拉丁语,意为 “bountiful mother" (丰饶的母亲),最早被用于形容古罗马女神,例如谷物女神Ceres和大圣母神Cybele。在现代英语中,该词意指“母校”。若大家有兴趣想了解其背后的历史,大家可自行搜索~

那么这个Chinglish如何纠正呢?最简单的翻译:“Alma Mater ”。

扩展一些关于 ”Mother“ 的知识表达:

1.本土语言、母语(Native language or Mother tongue)

-Native language: the language that you speak the most or best. (说得最多最好的)

-Mother tongue: the language that taught by your mother or father. (你父母教的)

For example: As a American Chinese guy, English is his native language, and Chinese is his mother tongue.


2.母公司&子公司(Parent company & Subsidiary company or daughter company)

3.Mother of Number ( one, two, three....)

举个简单例子就明白这个词组含义,假如 “她是一个孩子的母亲” 、“她是两个孩子的母亲” ,以此类推,不单止指母亲,父亲也是同一个逻辑。

"Mother of one", --一个孩子的母亲

“Mother of two", --两个孩子的母亲

4.Mother wit (天资、常识)

For example: When you have to live by your mother wit. Old boy, I hope you may get on better than I do seriously.

--当你只能靠你的天资聪慧生存时。老兄,我希望你能过得比我更好, 说真的。

总结:"Alma Mater" 才是指母校的意思。不要再犯中式英语的陷阱咯,各小伙们,本栏目仅100期,每一期都十分珍贵,拭目以待吧。

tips: Get rid of Chinglish, learning more authetic English, just right here. You can do it !!!