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图 美国经济周期与股票周期2006~2008

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红线: 标普指数绿线: 美国经济周期先行指数



表 2006年6月主要经济指标

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图 2006~2008年美国利率与通胀

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图 美国新屋和二手房成交量(2003~2008)

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表 美股2007年二季度盈利状况

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美股总体盈利增长8.2%,但是相比2006Q2 15.3%的增速已经大幅降低。

图 美股公司盈利监测2006~2008

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绿线: 标普公司实际盈利同比蓝线: 分析师预期调整




图 公司盈利是美股2019年韧性的最重要来源

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U.S. Stocks Fall for a Third Day; Treasuries, Oil, Gold Rise By Nick Baker Feb. 23 (Bloomberg) -- U.S. stocks dropped for a third day, pushing the Dow Jones Industrial Average to its worst weekly decline since August, as concern mounted that more Americans will default on home loans. Countrywide Financial Corp., Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. and Bear Stearns Cos. led financial shares lower, sending the Standard & Poor's 500 Index to its biggest slide in two weeks. Seventy-eight of 88 stocks in an S&P 500 gauge of financial companies fell on speculation loan delinquencies will curb their profit growth. ``Once the ball starts rolling, people don't know where it's going to stop,'' said Michael Alpert, who helps manage about \$1 billion at J&W Seligman & Co. in New York. For investors, ``if you have a list of plusses and minuses, the minuses are starting to stack up.'' Stocks retreated this week after a government report showed higher-than-expected price increases, dashing hopes for lower interest rates. Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas President Richard Fisher said today that he remains ``vigilant'' on inflation.








The worldwide tumble was sparked by China's plan to clamp down on illegal stock market investments. Chinese stocks slumped the most in a decade, while Europe's Dow Jones Stoxx 600 Index dropped 3 percent and emerging markets sank. Russian shares slid from an all-time high; Brazil's Bovespa Index lost 6.6 percent.

An indicator that measures the rate of expected stock-market swings rose the most ever. The Chicago Board Options Exchange SPX Volatility Index, known as the VIX, surged 64 percent as investors anticipated more risk in owning stocks.

Brokerages extended their losses to a fifth day as a pullback in global equities threatens their earnings prospects, which have already been hurt by an increase in mortgage defaults. Goldman Sachs Group Inc., the biggest securities firm by market value, declined \$18 to \$196. Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc., the fourth biggest U.S. securities firm, dropped \$3.64 to \$74.19, while Morgan Stanley, the No. 2, fell \$4.39 to \$74.13.

China's stock market drop is a concern because U.S. securities firms have become more reliant on growth in international markets, including Asia. At the same time, the weakening U.S. home loan market will reduce brokers' revenue from underwriting securities backed by mortgages. ``Anything disrupting the free flow of global capital in an increasingly international setting is going to upset investors,'' said Leo Grohowski, who helps oversee \$100 billion as chief investment officer at U.S. Trust Corp. in New York.

Durable Goods The Commerce Department said orders placed with U.S. factories for durable goods slumped 7.8 percent following a 2.8 percent gain in December. Orders excluding transportation equipment slid 3.1 percent. The figures suggest reluctance among companies to invest has carried into 2007. Bloated stockpiles at auto dealers and construction-equipment makers may restrain production early this year, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke told Congress this month.

``With some potential signs of cracks, be it China or the durable goods orders, this might be setting us up for a cooling or a pullback in the market,'' said Jason Cooper, who helps manage \$2.5 billion at 1st Source Investment Advisors in South Bend, Indiana. ``I'm much more bearish than bullish right now.''

Qualcomm Inc., the world's second-biggest maker of chips that run mobile phones, lost \$2.40 to \$40.25. Chief Executive Officer Paul Jacobs last year said the company expects a ``huge market'' for advanced devices in China. International Business Machines Corp., which owns about an 11 percent stake in China's Lenovo Group Ltd., dropped \$2.95 to \$93.96.






U.S. Stocks Surge on Fed Outlook; Dollar Drops to Two-Year Low By Eric Martin March 21 (Bloomberg) – The U.S. stock market posted its biggest gain in eight months, wiping away most of the losses for the year, after the Federal Reserve indicated it is no longer biased toward higher interest rates. Citigroup Inc. and JPMorgan Chase & Co. sent the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index to its steepest three-day rally in four years on prospects the Fed will lower borrowing costs, spurring loan demand and bolstering profits. Morgan Stanley, the world’s second-biggest securities firm, climbed the most since March 2003 after reporting first-quarter profit surged 70 percent. ``We’ve been waiting for the Fed to be on our side,’’ said Michael Mullaney, who manages \$10 billion at Fiduciary Trust Co. in Boston. ``The Fed’s next move is probably going to be a cut, and probably sometime no later than August.’’




U.S. Stocks Tumble Amid Mortgage Losses; Merrill, Lehman Drop

Speculation that the worst housing slump since 1991 will be exacerbated as defaults by the riskiest borrowers surge prompted the Dow Jones Industrial Average to retreat after closing above 14,000 for the first time on July 19. Caterpillar Inc. fueled the decline after its profit dropped on rising costs and falling U.S.

``Anything having to do with the subprime-mortgage meltdown that's taking place -- and certainly Caterpillar with its construction equipment related to housing falls into that category -- are being taken out and shot,'' said Jeffrey Kleintop, who helps oversee more than \$150 billion as chief market strategist at LPL Financial Services in Boston. `Some Resistance' Stocks rallied July 19, sending the S&P 500 and Dow to records, following better-than-expected results from International Business Machines Corp., Juniper Networks Inc. and Sherwin-Williams Co. The market will ``run into some resistance in here because we've had a nice move up,'' said Edward Hemmelgarn, who oversees about \$350 million as president of Shaker Investments Inc. in Cleveland. More than one-quarter of S&P 500 companies have reported second-quarter results, posting an average 8.1 percent profit increase. The compares with the 4.6 percent growth estimate of analysts when the quarter ended, according to a Bloomberg survey. ``Seeing such strong numbers across the board, I think this market still has got legs,'' said Joseph Ranieri, a trader at Canaccord Adams Inc. in Boston. Next week is the busiest of second-quarter earnings season, with at least 181 companies in the S&P 500 posting results. They include Anheuser-Busch Cos., Apple Inc., AT&T Inc., Exxon Mobil Corp., McDonald's Corp. and Merck & Co. Investors will get clues on the health of the U.S. economy next week.






U.S. Stocks Rise on Fed Economy Outlook; Treasuries Decline By Michael Patterson Aug. 7 (Bloomberg) -- Energy, financial and utility shares rose on the Federal Reserve's bullish economic outlook, helping the Standard & Poor's 500 Index post its best two-day gain since 2003. ``The Fed's saying there's no reason to panic,'' said Robert Carey, who oversees \$31 billion as chief investment officer of First Trust Portfolios LP in Lisle, Illinois. ``They know things are getting tough out there in some parts of the economy but overall we have employment growth, rising incomes and a robust global economy.'' U.S. shares have recouped about one quarter of the \$1.6 trillion wiped out since July 13 by concern loans to risky home buyers will spread through credit markets. Ratings provider Moody's Investors Service said earlier that the fallout from subprime-mortgage losses will be ``manageable.''




U.S. Stocks Climb, Led by Banks; S&P 500 Recovers From Drop By Lynn Thomasson Aug. 16 (Bloomberg) -- U.S. stocks rose after a closing rally in banks and securities firms helped restore about \$369 billion to the Standard & Poor's 500 Index and \$105 billion to the Dow Jones Industrial Average. Bear Stearns Cos., the second-largest U.S. underwriter of mortgage bonds, climbed the most since 1998 on speculation it may get an infusion of capital. Citigroup Inc., Bank of America Corp. and JPMorgan Chase & Co., the three biggest U.S. banks, provided the best gains in a week for financial shares on expectations the Federal Reserve may lower interest rates this year. ``There are rumors around that there is rescue financing coming in for some of the financials, particularly for Bear Stearns,'' Barton Biggs, a former Morgan Stanley strategist who now runs the \$1.5 billion hedge fund Traxis Partners LLC, said in an interview.






U.S. Stocks Rally; S&P 500 Rises Most in 4 Years on Fed Action By Lynn Thomasson ``It's just a brilliant move in letting the markets know where liquidity can be found and at what cost,'' said Tim Hartzell, who helps manage about \$2 billion as chief market strategist at Kanaly Trust Co. in Houston. ``It brings the banks back to the table.'' ``Financial market conditions have deteriorated, and tighter credit conditions and increased uncertainty have the potential to restrain economic growth going forward,'' the Federal Open Market Committee said in a statement following an unscheduled meeting. ``The downside risks have increased appreciably.''







U.S. Stocks Gain After Fed Cuts Benchmark Rate by Half Point By Lynn Thomasson Sept. 18 (Bloomberg) -- U.S. stocks rallied the most in four years after the Federal Reserve cut its benchmark lending rate by half a percentage point to keep credit-market losses and the real estate slump from dragging down the economy.

The half-point reduction in the federal funds rate to 4.75 percent was larger than most economists surveyed by Bloomberg predicted. Policy makers pledged to act as needed to prevent losses from mortgage defaults from weakening the broader economy. ``Developments in financial markets since the committee's last regular meeting have increased the uncertainty surrounding the economic outlook,'' Fed policy makers said. ``The tightening of credit conditions has the potential to intensify the housing correction, and to restrain economic growth more generally.''

Vix Drops The Chicago Board Options Exchange Volatility Index, or VIX, fell the most since June 2006, declining 23 percent to 20.35. The index, which is known as a ``fear gauge'' because it tends to decrease when stocks rise, has fallen 34 percent since reaching a four-year high on Aug. 16. ``Fewer people are betting that the market's going down or that the credit crunch and subprime woes would cause a recession,'' said Nick Raich, director of research at National City Private Client Group, which oversees \$34 billion in Cleveland, Ohio. Five out of six times since 1974 when the Fed started cutting rates, U.S. consumer staples and health-care companies beat the S&P 500 in the following 12 months, according to Ned Davis Research, a Venice, Florida-based firm which has more than 1,000 institutional clients. The two groups rose an average 21 percent, exceeding the index's 14 percent climb and had the ``most consistent'' gains, according to the firm. Those groups posted the two smallest gains the S&P 500 today. A gauge of consumer staples stocks increased 1.8 percent, while a group of health-care stocks rose 1.9 percent. `Makes the Situation Worse' Some investors said a half-point cut might fuel inflation and be perceived as giving into pressure from speculators. ``Every time the Fed turns around to save its friends on Wall Street, it makes the situation worse,'' Jim Rogers, the 64-year-old chairman of Beeland Interests Inc., said in an interview from Shanghai before the Fed announcement. ``If Bernanke starts running those printing presses even faster than he's doing already, yes we are going to have a serious recession. The dollar's going to collapse, the bond market's going to collapse.'' Traders boosted bets that the Fed will lower the benchmark interest rate a second time at the Oct. 31 meeting, according to federal funds futures contracts. The futures show a 69 percent chance of a 0.25 percentage point cut from 4.75 percent to 4.50 percent, up from 38 percent odds yesterday.




2007年10月19日,股票大跌2.6%。这一天一个主要的触发因素是标普500成分股三季报盈利自2002年以来第一次转负,金融行业领跌。之前的15到17号,美国陆续出台了一些救市措施,主要针对无法偿还贷款的公司和个人,但是市场并没有就此作出积极反应。这是一个非常重要的经验: 看似宏观因子预期变好的信息冲击后,市场没能作出应该有的反应,说明这个利好的力度是不够的。甚至有时候,这种消息适得其反,反而推动价格反方向运动。





U.S. Stocks Decline; Merrill Lynch, Broadcom, Amazon.com Fall By Lynn Thomasson Oct. 24 (Bloomberg) -- U.S. stocks dropped for the first time in three days after Merrill Lynch & Co. reported the biggest quarterly loss in its 93-year history and home sales tumbled. Merrill fell the most since 2002 on \$8.4 billion in writedowns from credit-market losses. Broadcom Corp., the maker of chips for Nintendo Co.'s Wii game console, posted its steepest decline in five years after earnings decreased on higher research costs. A profit forecast that may miss some analysts' estimates sent Amazon.com Inc. to its biggest slide in 15 months.

Today was ``very symbolic of what's going to trouble the market,'' said Leo Grohowski, who oversees \$162 billion as New York-based chief investment officer at Bank of New York Mellon Wealth Management. ``We may see more pain before we see gain.''

Writedowns sparked by the worst housing slump in 16 years have caused third-quarter profits to decline by an average 25 percent for financial companies in the S&P 500, the poorest performance among 10 industries, according to Bloomberg data. Makers of computer chips have posted an average earnings drop of 2.6 percent on concern consumer spending will decrease amid a slowing economy.

``I have a hard time understanding how the stock market is going to gain any traction given the continued turmoil in the financial stocks,'' said Tom Wirth, who manages \$1.8 billion as senior investment officer at Chemung Canal Trust in Elmira, New York. ``We're going to see continued writeoffs in the next 12 months.''

Lower-than-expected earnings from other financial companies, including Legg Mason Inc. and Moody's Corp., pushed a group of banks, brokerages and real estate companies in the S&P 500 to a 0.8 percent drop.

Fed funds futures traded on the Chicago Board of Trade show an 86 percent chance the Fed will lower rates by a quarter-percentage point to 4.5 percent, and 14 percent odds of a cut to 4.25 percent. The contracts yesterday showed traders saw no chance of a half-percentage point reduction by Oct. 31.

``The current rumor on the street is that the Fed is about to convene a special meeting and cut the Federal funds rate another 50 basis points,'' Punk Ziegel & Co. analyst Richard Bove wrote in a note to clients. Fed spokesman David Skidmore declined to comment on the speculation. Technology Slump Technology shares retreated 1.1 percent as a group and made up half of the 10 biggest decliners in the S&P 500. Broadcom plunged \$7.14, or 17 percent, to \$34.92, the biggest percentage decline since May 2002. The chipmaker said yesterday third-quarter profit fell 75 percent after an expansion into the mobile-phone market boosted research spending. Deutsche Bank Securities cut its recommendation on the stock to ``hold'' from ``buy.'' Amazon.com sank \$12.09, or 12 percent, to \$88.73, the steepest drop since July 2006. Fourth-quarter operating income will be between \$221 million and \$291 million, the world's largest Internet retailer said yesterday. Scott Tilghman, an analyst at Soleil Securities Corp., estimated profit of \$278.5 million.



U.S. Stocks Decline on Credit Concern; AIG, Merrill Shares Drop By Lynn Thomasson

``We saw renewed concerns today about the effect of the housing crisis,'' said James W. Gaul, who helps oversee about \$2.2 billion as portfolio manager at Boston Advisors LLC in Boston. ``The deep, dark fear is that this is going to push us down into a recession and that the housing market is worse than anyone anticipated.''

Writedowns spurred by the worst housing slump in 16 years have caused profits at financial companies in the S&P 500 to decline 22 percent in the third quarter, the worst performance among 10 industries. Merrill yesterday posted its biggest-ever quarterly loss on charges totaling \$8.4 billion and Bank of America Corp.'s profit dropped 32 percent after \$2 billion in trading losses and writedowns.

Recession Concern Stocks also fell after government reports showed an unexpected drop in durable goods orders and initial unemployment claims topped economists' forecasts, spurring concern the economy may slip into a recession. Almost two-thirds of Americans say the economy is likely to contract next year and a majority believes it is already faltering, according to a Bloomberg/Los Angeles Times survey.


U.S. Stocks Rally on Microsoft Profit, Countrywide Forecast By Lynn Thomasson Oct. 26 (Bloomberg) -- U.S. stocks rallied after Microsoft Corp. and Countrywide Financial Corp. reassured investors that profits will extend five years of growth. The Standard & Poor's 500 index posted its sixth increase in seven weeks after 65 percent of 301 members reported quarterly earnings that topped analysts' forecasts. Profits may grow 7 percent in 2007 and 12.3 percent in 2008, based on the average analyst estimate from a Bloomberg survey.

Microsoft, the world's biggest software company, climbed 9.5 percent to a six-year high after quarterly sales beat projections by more than \$1 billion. Countrywide, the largest U.S. mortgage lender, had the biggest gain since at least 1982 after saying last quarter was its ``earnings trough.'' Merrill Lynch & Co. rose the most in five years on speculation its chief executive will be ousted.

``The U.S. stock market today is probably the best asset in the world,'' said Stanley Nabi, who helps oversee about \$8.5 billion at Silvercrest Asset Management in New York. ``Earnings will be flat for the third quarter compared to last year. However, they're not falling off a cliff.''







U.S. Stocks Fall on Credit Concern; Citigroup, Fannie Retreat By Elizabeth Stanton

Nov. 26 (Bloomberg) -- U.S. stocks fell, pushing the decline from this year's record highs to more than 10 percent, on concern that mounting mortgage losses will lead banks to reduce lending. Citigroup Inc., Bank of America Corp. and JPMorgan Chase & Co., the three biggest U.S. banks, retreated after Goldman Sachs Group Inc. said HSBC Holdings Plc faces \$12 billion in additional writedowns. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the largest U.S. mortgage-finance companies, tumbled after UBS AG said higher credit costs will cause earnings growth to slow. Target Corp. and Macy's Inc. led retailers lower on concern consumers will spend less on holiday gifts.

``There's still a lot of fear out there because of the fact that this credit contagion is starting to widen out,'' said Larry Adam, chief investment strategist at Deutsche Bank Alex. Brown in Baltimore, which manages \$58 billion. ``You're seeing increasing amounts of write-offs by banks, with some of them saying that they're going to be larger for the fourth quarter than the third.''






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U.S. Stocks Plunge as Unemployment Tops Forecast, Oil Surges By Michael Patterson June 6 (Bloomberg) -- U.S. stocks tumbled, sparking the Dow Jones Industrial Average's worst sell-off in 15 months, after a jump in the unemployment rate and a \$10-a-barrel rise in oil heightened concern the economy will sink into a recession.

The unemployment increase is going to feed into further negatives for consumer confidence,'' said Charles Smith, who helps manage \$1.2 billion as chief investment officer at Fort Pitt Capital Group in Pittsburgh. ``That's what the market's worried about.'



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2008年9月份美国各种救市政策密集出笼。9月15日雷曼申请破产保护,但当天市场跌幅并不大。以下是9月份每天美国政府的救市措施。September 2008 Main article: Global financial crisis in September 2008 · September 7: Federal takeover of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, which at that point owned or guaranteed about half of the U.S.'s \$12 trillion mortgage market, effectively nationalizing them. This causes panic because almost every home mortgage lender and Wall Street bank relied on them to facilitate the mortgage market and investors worldwide owned \$5.2 trillion of debt securities backed by them.[206][207] September 14: Merrill Lynch is sold to Bank of America amidst fears of a liquidity crisis and Lehman Brothers collapse[208] September 15: Lehman Brothers files for bankruptcy protection[209] September 16: Moody's and Standard and Poor's downgrade ratings on AIG's credit on concerns over continuing losses to mortgage-backed securities, sending the company into fears of insolvency.[210][211] In addition, the Reserve Primary Fund "breaks the buck" leading to a run on the money market funds. Over \$140 billion is withdrawn vs. \$7 billion the week prior. This leads to problems for the commercial paper market, a key source of funding for corporations, which suddenly could not get funds or had to pay much higher interest rates.[212] September 17: The US Federal Reserve lends \$85 billion to American International Group (AIG) to avoid bankruptcy. September 18: Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson and Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke meet with key legislators to propose a \$700 billion emergency bailout through the purchase of toxic assets. Bernanke tells them: "If we don't do this, we may not have an economy on Monday."[213] September 19: Paulson financial rescue plan is unveiled after a volatile week in stock and debt markets. September 23: The Federal Bureau of Investigation discloses that it had been investigating the possibility of fraud by mortgage financing companies Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, Lehman Brothers, and insurer American International Group, bringing to 26 the number of corporate lenders under investigation.[214] September 25: Washington Mutual is seized by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, and its banking assets are sold to JP MorganChase for \$1.9 billion. September 29: Emergency Economic Stabilization Act is defeated 228-205 in the United States House of Representatives; Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation announces that Citigroup Inc. would acquire banking operations of Wachovia.[215] September 30: US Treasury changes tax law to allow a bank acquiring another to write off all of the acquired bank's losses for tax purposes[216]



图 2008年美股崩盘最后的高潮

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``They really haven't changed the economic fundamentals at all,'' said Jeffrey Coons, co-director of research at Manning & Napier Advisors Inc. in Fairport, New York, which manages \$18 billion. ``We still have a debt-laden U.S. consumer facing falling employment.''

``Our initial impression of the plan is that the benefits to the regional banks would be indirect, and as a result, we would lock in substantial profits generated over the past several weeks,'' wrote JPMorgan analysts led by Steven Alexopoulos. Record Bank Plunge





``The concern is that this is not resolved fast enough or completely enough to restore our credit markets to health,'' said Lawrence Creatura, a fund manager at Clover Capital Management in Rochester, New York, which oversees \$2.8 billion. ``If credit markets are not restored to health, the economic implications are likely to be broad and deep.''






``There's a liquidity crisis going on that's putting investors on edge,'' said Alan Gayle, the Richmond, Virginia-based senior investment strategist at Ridgeworth Investments, which oversees about \$70 billion. ``Liquidity is like oxygen. Lack of it can cause serious damage in a very short time.''


``Once you get over one hurdle, you start looking at the next hurdle, and the next one is the weakness in the U.S.,'' said John Davidson, president of PartnerRe Asset Management in Greenwich, Connecticut, which invests more than \$12 billion. ```There's doubt that we'll avoid a recession.''




U.S. Stocks Drop; S&P 500, Dow Post Worst Retreats Since 1937 By Elizabeth Stanton and Eric Martin Oct. 7 (Bloomberg) -- U.S. stocks fell, sending the Standard & Poor's 500 Index below 1,000 for the first time since 2003, on speculation banks and real-estate companies are running short of money as the credit crisis worsens. Bank of America Corp. tumbled 26 percent after cutting its dividend in half and saying it plans to sell \$10 billion in common stock to brace for a recession. Morgan Stanley, KeyCorp and JPMorgan Chase & Co. slid more than 10 percent as investors shrugged off signs the Federal Reserve will reduce interest rates. General Growth Properties Inc., a mall owner, plunged 42 percent on concern it won't be able to repay debt. The S&P 500 slid 60.66 points, or 5.7 percent, to 996.23, extending its 2008 tumble to 32 percent in the market's worst yearly slump since 1937. The Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped 508.39, or 5.1 percent, to 9,447.11, giving it a 29 percent retreat in 2008 that would also be the worst in 71 years. The Nasdaq Composite Index lost 5.8 percent to 1,754.88. ``We've approached the edge of the cliff,'' Leon Cooperman, 65, who manages \$6 billion at hedge fund Omega Advisors Inc., said at the Value Investing Congress in New York. ``Do we go over the cliff or begin to recede? History says we recede, but there's no guarantee. This is the most difficult financial environment I've lived through.'' The S&P 500 Financials Index slumped 12 percent to below its lowest level since 1997 even after Fed Chairman Ben S. Bernanke signaled he is ready to cut interest rates. The S&P 500's 15 percent retreat since Sept. 30 is the third-steepest five-day drop on record, according to Bespoke Investment Group LLC, a Harrison, New York-based research firm. The bigger slumps occurred in 1932.

`Credit Deterioration' ``The market is responding to the fact that there was credit deterioration in their businesses,'' Erick Maronak, the New York-based chief investment officer at Victory Capital Management, said of Bank of America. Victory Capital oversees \$66 billion. Merrill Lynch & Co., which is being acquired by Bank of America, sank 26 percent to \$18 for the steepest decline since October 1987. JPMorgan lost 11 percent to \$39.32, and KeyCorp tumbled 10 percent to \$10.61. Morgan Stanley declined as much as 40 percent on concern its sale of a stake to Japan's Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group Inc. would fall through. The stock pared that drop, falling 25 percent to \$17.65 at the close, after Morgan Stanley spokesman Mark Lane said the deal is still ``on track.'' Goldman Sachs Group Inc.'s index of stocks with high hedge fund ownership dropped 7.1 percent to the lowest level since August 2003. All 49 companies in the measure declined, giving the index a 38 percent loss for 2008. Disney Declines Walt Disney Co. retreated 6 percent to \$26.57, the lowest price since February 2006, after Merrill Lynch downgraded the world's biggest theme-park operator to ``underperform'' from ``neutral,'' citing concern ``about the risk to earnings estimates in the current economic climate.'' General Growth Properties Inc. led an index of real-estate investment trusts in the S&P 500 to a 8.9 percent drop, sending the group to a four-year low. The mall owner at risk of not being able to refinance debt coming due this year fell 42 percent to \$4.50, extending its slide over the past year to 92 percent. Apartment Investment & Management Co., a REIT specializing in apartments, fell 27 percent to \$25.50. Tomorrow is the last day of a Securities and Exchange Commission rule banning short sales in more than 980 financial companies. Since it was announced Sept. 18, companies covered by the rule are down an average of 16 percent, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. The S&P 500 lost 17 percent during the period, while commercial banks in the gauge are down 23 percent. GM, Ford Slump General Motors Corp. fell 11 percent to \$7.56, the lowest price since the 1950s. The automaker's European unit plans to reduce production by about 40,000 vehicles by the end of the year as credit-market turmoil causes a drop in car sales. Ford Motor Co., the second-largest U.S. automaker after GM, tumbled 21 percent to \$2.92, the lowest price since April 1983. Advanced Micro Devices Inc., the chipmaker struggling to compete with Intel Corp., jumped 8.5 percent to \$4.59 after saying Abu Dhabi will pay \$700 million for a stake in a new company that will own two plants in Germany and build another in New York. The new company, which will assume \$1.2 billion of AMD's debt, will receive as much as \$6 billion from Abu Dhabi to expand the factories and get \$1.4 billion in operating capital. Abu Dhabi will also pay \$314 million to double its stake in AMD to 19 percent.

Commercial Paper Fund Stocks opened higher after the Federal Reserve invoked emergency powers to create a special fund to buy commercial paper, which is short-term debt issued by corporations to fund operations. American Express Co., the largest U.S. credit-card company by purchases, dropped 6.1 percent to \$28.25. It had surged as much as 8.1 percent after the Fed's announcement. General Electric Co., whose businesses include jet engines, health care and television programming, added as much as 5.9 percent before closing down 5.1 percent at \$20.30. Both American Express and GE are among the biggest U.S. direct issuers of commercial paper. In the three weeks ended Oct. 1, finance-company commercial paper outstanding fell 16 percent to \$683.4 billion, Fed data show. ``A connection is being made between the freeze-up in the credit markets and the drop-off in economic activity we've seen,'' said Robert Stimpson, a money manager at Oak Associates Inc. in Akron, Ohio. ``A step to loosen credit practices and allow companies to borrow again might forestall the economic weakness we've seen flow through'' to employment. Earnings Watch Earnings at S&P 500 companies probably dropped on average of 5.6 percent in the third quarter, according to analysts' estimates compiled by Bloomberg. Financial companies are forecast to lead the drop in profits with a 64 percent decrease, followed by an 11 percent slide in earnings at retailers, hoteliers, restaurant chains and other so-called consumer discretionary companies. The S&P 500 has tumbled 36 percent from its record a year ago. Based on estimated profit, the S&P 500's price-to-earnings ratio is 11.9. ``On very conservative earnings expectations for the next 12 months this market at minimum is starting to look reasonably valued,'' Leo Grohowski, chief investment officer for the wealth management unit of Bank of New York Mellon Corp., told Bloomberg Television. The unit manages \$162 billion. ``Times when it feels almost irresponsible to shore up equities, they tend to be good buying opportunities historically.''





``The worst of the immediate danger is past,'' said Bruce McCain, chief investment strategist at Key Private Bank in Cleveland, which manages \$30 billion. ``It's always easier when you've got markets going up and you're not having to talk clients back in off the ledge.''
