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Wu Weijia Solo Exhibition

艺术家 Artist| 吴维佳 Wu Weijia

策展人 Curator| 朱彤 Zhu Tong

开幕 Opening| 2017.9.23 4:00pm

展期 Duration| 2017.9.23 – 10.28

地点 Venue|站台中国当代艺术机构(北京朝阳区酒仙桥路2号798艺术区中二街D07)Platform China Contemporary Art Institute (D07 Main 2nd Street, 798 Art District, Beijing, China)




PLATFORM CHINA Contemporary Art Institute is honored to announce the solo exhibition of Wu Weijia. This exhibition is curated by Zhu Tong. It features the artist’s oil works and paper works of these three years. The exhibition will be on view from September, 23 to October, 28.

Wu Weijia’s creation spans many fields like oil painting, Chinese painting, and calligraphy. In many years’ practicing of art, Wu Weijia intends to break the boundaries between these different art forms and to find the common feature that shared by both the eastern painting and the western painting. He tries to apply linear expression into the space of painting to present the art of calligraphy in the works, in order to build up his own entity of art.

His works has a light and vigorous style. The dark colors of the painting never makes the scene looks depressing. The content of the painting can not be read according to the common logic, just like what he said: “ I don’t want to put too much of my willing into the painting works of mine. I don’t want to force the eyes of the others, cause it is impolite and impossible. I’ve begun to have fun in it. The content of the painting is randomly arranged with no special relation between different contents. "

吴维佳个照 Portrait of Wu Weijia


Wu Weijiawas born in Jiangsu Province, China in 1960, graduated from Nanjing Academy of Art, lives and works in Nanjing. His works and articles were published in“The Artist”, “Chinese Oil Painting”,“Jiangsu Art”, “The China Press” .

Selected solo exhibitions:“Wu Weijia”,Platform China Contemporary Art Institute, Beijing, China(2017);Wu WeijiaSolo Exhibition by Nanjing Avant-gard Contemporary Art Center,China(2016); Single Crane and Fly--Wu WeijiaSolo Exhibition,Fuyanshe in Beijing, China(2015);Blend of China and West--Wu Weijia Oil Painting Exhibition, New York·Red Wall Space, Beijing, China(2014).Selected group exhibitions:Multi Dimensions·the 1st Time Invited Exhibition of Contemporary Art, Nanjing Avant-gard Contemporary Art Center, China(2016);Ego Cogito Ergo Sum-- Commemorate the 30th Anniversary of the 85’ Art Trend of Thought, Nanjing Gengsi Art Museum, China(2015);Nanjing Art University Centennial Exhibition, National Art Museum of China(2012).

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站台中国当代艺术机构(Platform China Contemporary Art Institute)于2005年在北京成立,经过多年发展,其成为集实验性和开放性的当代艺术交流和研究的综合性艺术机构。作为一个艺术的发现者、观察者和参与者,站台中国一如既往的参与和支持艺术家的艺术实践和艺术生态的建设,积极并深入参与着中国当代艺术的发展进程,持续推动着当代艺术国际间的对话与交流。2015年底搬入798艺术区,并于2016年成立两个实验性艺术项目——“dRoom”和“艺术呕吐”(Auto Art Sale),通过项目力图尝试不同领域和媒介的连接测试机构本身及当代艺术的容量和可能性。

Platform China Contemporary Art Institute was founded in 2005. In the last decade, it developed as an experimental and ground breaking muti-functional art institute that focuses on showing contemporary art and research. Acting as a vanguard, witness and participator in the art world, Platform China has always been supporting artists’ new practices and the establishment of art eco-system. Not onlydid we deeply engage in the evolution of Chinese contemporary art, but becomes an international platform that creates the dialogue and communication of contemporary art.

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