
“I've always considered WeChat a backdoor for China to access users phones.”That’s because it is.“我一直觉得微信就是一个中国获取用户信息的后门”本来就是。

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“Apple could pull WeChat from the app store but then face the backlash. If it's not pulled, the popularity of WeChat grows. It's a tricky situation.”If they did that then based on the article Apple would surely lose more ground in china The app seems to be popular independent of Apple in which case people may feel that any smartphone capable of running it is good enough for them.“苹果可以把微信从程序商店移除,但会面临反击。不撤吧,又只能看着它变得更受欢迎。真是进退两难。”如果他们真撤了,根据文章分析,苹果必然面临更大的损失。微信这个程序貌似不管在什么手机上都受欢迎,不受苹果制约。人们会觉得只要能运行它的手机都不错。

This is related to the "in-app tipping" ban a few weeks back, which followed the original reports about the tremendous position of WeChat in the Chinese market as related to Apple Pay. It would seem Apple was asleep at the switch until they read Gruber's website one morning, and now a Chinese woman is in charge of Apple China... Was anybody fired? They threw Forestall under the bus for less.But then again, this is the same group of visionaries that gave-up the keys to the kingdom to Facebook and Twitter, baking them directly into iOS in an unprecedented and utterly foolish move in 2012. Flash forward to 2017 and say hello to the dead App Store, FB zombies roaming the streets, Fake News and President Twitter. Great job, fruitcakes! X-)这其实是关于几周之前的苹果“程序内打赏”的禁令,在此之前有关于微信在中国市场卓越地位的报告,苹果支付也与此相关。苹果好像一开始一直在睡觉,直到他们一天早上看到了Gruber的网站,现在一个中国女人就掌管了苹果中国。而再一次的,同样的一群“高瞻远瞩”的人,放弃了Facebook和Twitter通往这个国度的钥匙,在2012年以前所未有的愚蠢举动造出了个IOS。时光飞逝到2017年,我们现在看到了垂死的苹果商店,街上游荡的脸书僵尸,假新闻还有总统推特。干得好,傻瓜们!(这段不太明白啥意思,可能翻错了。)

Well of course. WeChat is ok with being censored and ok with handing over user info to the government.Apple isn’t willing to make these concessions (yet), and until they do, they’ll never make up any ground.IMHO, this battle is already lost, and making such compromises would only erode Apple’s image and current customer base.当然了。微信对于审查和提交用户信息给政府完全没意见。苹果不愿意(迄今为止)让步,在让步之前他们肯定举步维艰。以我愚见,这场仗已经输了,做出让步只会使苹果形象受损,丢失现有的用户基础。

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